Life in the Worst Populated City ~ Sarah & Arianys

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Sarah POV:

Life. What happened to it? It doesn't matter. What's done is done, and what's done happened a year ago. Yep that's right, Arianys and I survived in the zombie hell of a place for a year. Do you want to know how we did it? Well for me it was easy......okay that was a lie it was kinda hard. I don't know about Arianys though. Well at least we had food and water. Okay so what we did was train ourselves to fight. We found weapons and notice where we were staying was an old dojo and there was a ninjutsu book. We agreed that I train myself, since I am a fast learner and I was good with a katana. When I was at least good with fighting, Arianys would train I sometimes will help her. Sometimes while Arianys is training, I would go out and kill some zombies that are close to our area and find some food and water. If any zombie is close and I'm not there, Arianys will take care of it. When Arianys and I were finally close to pros when fighting, we decided to build a 10 foot wall. We both took turns, for one week I build the wall and Arianys kills the zombie, then we switch places. The place wasn't that big so it mostly took like 3 months to build, even though it felt like forever. When the wall was finished, Arianys and I will train, 3days a week, 2 times a day for 2 hours. We also made some traps that does do a lot of damage but not to kill. We test them once a month with zombies. It does get bloody but its fine. Well that is life.

Arianys POV:

Why does life have to be like this? Why did it have to result to zombies? People dying and those that died rise  and get the ones that are alive. Well at least I'm alive and not alone. I got my friend with me all the way. The first week we were running out of food but found a ninjutsu book. Sarah will train and will help me train. She would leave to find food, water, and medicine but won't till I know how to defend myself and fight well. When we eat, we eat a proper amount and not waste anything. Then the idea of the wall came, it was hard, but we got it done. After the wall was build we train till we were pros. We knew every technique in the book and we even combine some moves. Well Sarah did, she then taught me. We didn't find or know survivors so we thought we were the only ones.

TIME SKIP - 6 months after the wall was build (practice ninjutsu for 3 months and wall took 3 months to build)

Third POV:

It was morning and Arianys was making breakfast. Sarah was just reading her book when she thought of how much food they had.
Sarah: Hey. How much food is left? Arianys: Just enough to last us 3 months. Sarah: And water?
Arianys: Like a month.
Sarah: Now what about... medical supplies.
Arianys: Ummmm...... we don't have any left.
Sarah: WHAT!!! We have to get some.
Arianys: Okay. How about after breakfast.

Sarah's stomach growled.

Sarah: Yeah, good idea.

After they had breakfast Arianys and Sarah left to go find medical supplies in the closest place they can think of... CVS Pharmacy. While there they took the liberty to get some water too. When leaving they made a wrong turn and came up to an alley.

Sarah: Great. Just our luck. Now what zombies are going to attack us.
Arianys: Don't jinx it Sarah.

Not even 1 minute later... zombies came.
Arianys just glared at Sarah.

Sarah: My bad. Hehe. Come we can still take them down.
Arianys: True that.

Arianys and Sarah fought hard but they just kept coming. Not long after they couldn't fight anymore. They almost died till they were saved by 4 strange people. Being in an alley and it was dark out already ( yes it took all day ) they couldn't see the strange figure. These "people" fought and saved them.

Arianys: Thank you thank you thank you. If it wasn't for you guys we will have definitely be zombie chow.
Sarah: Yeah thanks. How about you come to the light so we can see you.
???: I don't think we can do that.
Arianys: Why not.
4???: Trust us dudette. You wouldn't want to see us.
Sarah: Why would looks matter now? We are literally in a zombie apocalypse and you just saved us. So why would it matter?

Now the mystery people talk to each other.

3???: She's got a point.
2???: What and we'll be friends with them when they see us, they could throw us right to them.
???: Well we won't know if we don't try.

Now talking to the girls.

???: Okay, will you promise not to scream/run/throw us to the zombies.
Arianys and Sarah ( both confused ): I promised.

They walked to the light and the girls were not scared but fascinated/shock on what they saw.

A.N. - Hey long time no see, I'm not sure if this story is good but thanks for reading and will definitely continue. Also I'm only doing this for entertainment and yeah. Thank you for reading tho.

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