Beginning of the End ~ Turtles

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Leo: Hello, my name is Leonardo.
Raph: Sup, name's Raphael.
Donnie: Hi, my name Donatello.
Mikey: Name's Michelangelo.
All: And this is our story.

Third POV:
The day before it all broke loose, the turtles were on patrol that night. They were all bored out of their minds. After defeating the krangg and the Shredder, there wasn't really that much crime around. There were only small Purple Dragon activity, but nothing big.

Raph: I'm so bored, there is literally nothing interesting.
Leo: I know but we are still the protectors of New York.
Donnie: Umm guys.
Leo & Raph: Yes, Donnie.
Donnie: I got a signal of trouble of trouble but it's not like anything seen before. I don't even know what the signal means.
Mikey: Okay then, let's go.
???: AAHHH!!!
Mikey: What was that?
Raph: What do you think? It's a scream, shells for brains.
Leo (yelled): let's go!
Raph: Okay, okay, we get it, (whisper)lameonardo.
Leo heard him and grunted.

They then all ran to the source. When they got there, they only saw a woman on the ground with blood everywhere. On her, and around her. She looked like she was eaten with all the bite marks and some of them reached the bone. The turtle never noticed a man covered in blood running away. Looking at the woman, anyone would say she was dead. That was what the turtles thought, so they left the scene, but they were wrong. They left before they could notice the woman already up and leaving the scene.

The next day was just like any other. All the turtles will wake up early, train, and then eat breakfast. After that they went to do their normal things. Donnie will be in his lab, Leo will be watching Space Heroes, Raph will be reading his magazine on the couch, and Mikey will be, being Mikey in his room. Then April and Casey came running in.

Panic Casey: Turn on the news.
Leo: Why? Don't you see I'm watching Space Heroes.
Mad April yelled: NOW!
Leo: Okay, okay, jeez.
Leo then turned on the news and Raph and Leo shared a look.
Raph shouted: Mikey, Donnie, get your shells over here!
Mikey came in and saw what was on the TV: OMG.
Donnie came in: What is soo...
But stopped when he saw the TV and dropped his beaker.
Splinter heard the noise, went to the room and raised his voice: What is the meaning of this mess?

The turtles, April and Casey all pointed to the TV. Splinter looked once and had the same look as everyone else. A look of fear, shocked and sad expression all in one face.
Splinter: Turn the volume up. We must hear what this is.
Leo obeyed his father command and turned the volume up.
News Reporter on TV: These things, known as zombies, have been eating people and they eat others. We don't know has come to our world but this is happening everywhere. Every single place on Earth is experiencing this. If you can, don't go outside, find a safe place. Hide from these zombies, for we don't know how to stop something already dead. We only know their heads are a weakness but I encourage you not to take that risk. Please be safe. Good luck.

Those were the last words on the TV before it began to static. Leo then turned off the TV. Leo then turned off the TV. Before anyone could say anything, they started hearing noises coming from the sewers.
April whisper: Oh no.
All the turtles knew what was happening and got their weapons.
Splinter: My son's and friends, don't hesitate to kill these zombies since they are already dead.
They all understood and the zombies arrived, now a fight broke loose.

Time Skip -  middle of the fight

Donnie yelled: There are to many of them.
Leo yelled: We have to continue fighting.
During the battle, April and Casey were making a plan.
April yelled: Guys, Casey and I have an idea.
Raph yelled: Then what is it?
Casey yelled: You guys go to April's bags, for some reason, one if the five bags have a small bomb. We will buy you guys time. Splinter, you have to go with them too, it will be faster if one person checks one bag.
Splinter: Okay, come on my sons.

They all went to April's bags, which was near the exit, and checked all of them but couldn't find a bomb.
Mikey: There is nothing in these bags.
Leo: But I don't get it. Why would April and Casey then send us here.
Just then the doors close leaving April and Casey with the zombies.
April: AAHHH!!!
Splinter: WE WISH WE COULDN'T HELP. FAREWELL, my friends.

The turtles and Splinter then went to the surface where the chaos was. They couldn't help the humans, even if they wanted to. So, they found an abandoned warehouse, not the one Sarah and Arianys are, and stayed there. Devastated that their friends, their only friends that were humans, just died protecting them.

For them and for every survivor out there, it really was the Beginning of the End.

A.N.~ Sorry I didn't post yesterday, I had to go yo a party and it lasted all day. Also sorry I did April and Casey were one of your favorite characters. It's just I have nothing for them to do in the book. Also in this story I forgot to mention that Donnie never had a crush on April.

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