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"Mom! Where's my tie?" Jet yelled as she knocked against my door. I dragged myself out of bed and opened the door to stop the knocking.

"I'll strangle you." I calmly said.

She grinned, "My tie?"

"In the dryer." I said before closing my door. I went back to bed and laid down while checking my phone. Missed call from Tamar and Rhonda. Nothing from B. That made me sad, I can't lie.

I brushed it off and got ready for my meetings today. And to quit the job at the strip club. I've been getting checks in the mail for a job I haven't been too in ... too long.

I miss it honestly, but I can't go back. I've come too far.

I got up and took care of my hygiene and got dressed. I headed downstairs where the girls were eating breakfast. "I should have a son." I randomly thought aloud.

Monroe's jaw dropped, "What do you mean?"

"Nothing, crazy. I just saw your beautiful faces and realized if I were to have a baby boy, he'd look just like y'all. Sorta." I thought.

"He'd have dark skin, he'd be chunky, and he'd have curly hair. Where do that remind you of us?" Jet asked.

True. Monroe and Jet are both fairly toned, skinny as sticks, and have thick but straight hair. With Bryan as my baby daddy, Jet's description is accurate.

"Okay, smart ass 1 and smart ass 2, get in the car before you're late." I said.

"You're taking us?"

"Yeah, I have a meeting soon and I have to go see G-Ma."

"To quit?" Monroe asked.

"We'll see."

"Are you sugarcoating?" Jet asked as we got in the car. "We're old enough, ya know."

"We'll talk over dinner. Yes?"

"Yes." They both said.

After I dropped them off, I headed straight to the club. On the marquee, there was some new girl's name where mine used to me. Guess they didn't need me.

When I walked it, I was oddly surprised by the atmosphere. I was much better than when I used to perform.

One of the girls spotted me and ran over to hug me. I lightly patted her back trying to ignore the fact she was half-dressed. "Toni, where have you been?" She asked.

"I've been around. Have you se–"

"Girl, where's your duffel? We need you on a pole ASAP." She came closer to me, "Money has been light since you left. The new stargirl is very...ew."

I lightly chuckled, "I actually came to quit. Sorry."

Her jaw dropped as if this was surprising. I haven't been here in forever, why would I just pop up and hop on a pole...

"I'm gonna find Rhonda. I'll catch you later." I walked away to the dressing room. I saw her in her office and cursed myself for even coming this far.

"Hey Rhon." I said. I stood in her doorway with the most pathetic smile known to man.


I took it upon myself to enter her office fully and I sat down across from her. "I-I came to officially tell you that I quit."

She looked up at me. She looked disgusted with me.

"What is it?" I asked.

"You come in here, all fancy looking, and tell me that you quit? After abandoning your job for ten fucking years? Classy, Toni. Real classy." She snapped.

"And who's gonna pay for that big ass house of yours? And those two brats? Your little boyfriend?"

She can trash me all day and night and drag my name through dirt but how dare she come at my kids.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" I yelled. "My kids have nothing to do with what I decide to do with my life."

"I think I'm Rhonda Dupree." She sassed.

"Well, Rhonda Dupree, you can go to hell with the rest of these hoes. You sit here all fucking day and watch these girls sell themselves to perverts, well guess what? That is not who I want to be anymore. I found somebody who loves me and wants me to be somebody, not for him, but for me. Somebody I was meant to be. So, have fun here. I'm done."

I got up and headed out the door before stopping in my tracks. "And if you ever, and I mean ever, mention my girls again in any way, I will kill you. And I mean that."

I walked out the club and sat in my car. I started crying and couldn't stop. I trusted that woman so much and I don't know why or when our relationship got so sour. A year ago, we were happy and us and the girls we a family. Now she hates me and bashes Jet and Monroe.

I just don't understand.

I looked down at my phone which was ringing off the hook for the past five minutes. Three missed calls from Bryan. That's peculiar.

I wiped my face and called him back. The line picked up on the fourth ring. "Hey, baby. You okay?"

"Hey, TB. It's Wayne, you remember? Brya–"

"I know who you are. Why are you calling from his phone?" I asked.

"There's a situation..."
Worse part about cruising: NO WIFI 🙄 literally just found some so here's an update

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