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"Come on girls!" Phil calls from downstairs. "We don't need to be late."

I grimace as pain hits me in the chest before I ran my bag of medications, and I go downstairs. Phil notices my hand gripping at my chest.

"You okay for the plane ride?" Phil asks; worried.

"I'll be fine, Phil." I reply. "Now, let's go. I have medicine to take when I get to Forks."

Phil and Renée drive my sister and I to the airport. The airport here in Phoenix isn't huge, but it isn't tiny either.

"Call me wen you get there," Renée says to my sister. "Email me, Augustine."

I nod before tugging at my sisters hand; I am ready to go.

"My girls." Dad smiles when he sees us, and he hugs me. "How are you?"

"Can we go home?" I ask, Bella grimaces at the word. "My chest hurts, and I need to take my medication."

Dad nods and he smiles at Bella. We leave the Port Angeles airport and get into dad's patrol cruiser. Bella almost looks embarrassed to be riding in ir. Bella and dad have an awkward relationship.

"Your hair has grown out since I saw you last." Dad says to Bella, trying to lift the tension.

"I've cut it since," Bella says tensely.

Dad pulls into the house a few awkward moments after Bella said her remark, and I get out.

"Ah," Dad scolds. "I'll carry that in. Go take your meds."

I sigh before I walk inside with my bag of medications. I grab a large glass, and it with some cold water. With that, I swallow my anti arrhythmia meds and I fix some soup for everyone. The brother usually eases off some of my chest pain.

Some horns honking outside catches my attention right as I turn the stove off. My heart beats irregularly as I walk outside, where I find my dad standing with Jacob and Billy Black. Bella comes out, shortly after me.

"Bella, August, you remember Billy Black." Dad says smoothly.

"Yeah," I smile. "You're looking good."

"Still dancing," Billy smirks. "I'm glad you two are here. Charlie hasn't shut up about it since you told him you were coming."

"Alright, keep exaggerating." Dad smirks. "I'll roll you over the hill."

"After I ram you in the ankles!" Billy exclaims before he chases dad.

"Hi, I'm Jacob Black." Jacob says to us. "We used to make mud pies when we were little."

"Right, no, I remember." Bella mumbles.

"Are they always like this?" I ask.

"Pretty much:" Jacob replies. "It just gets worse with old age."

"So;" Dad says as he strolls over. "What do ya think?"

"Of what?" Bella asks.

"Y'all's homecoming present..." Dad says.

"This!?" Bella exclaims.

"I'd react like that, but i can't due to my chest." I smile.

"I just bought it off Billy here." Dad says.

"No way!" Bella exclaims while running to the door, accidentally hitting Jacob with the door.

"How's your heart?" Billy asks.

"Still has an irregular rhythm." I say. "I'm on meds."

"Go get a shower before Bella gets up there, August." Dad says.

I climb the stairs, and I go into my room. The first thing I do is unpack, while taking my time. I go to the bathroom after, and turn the hot water on before stripping, and stepping under the water.

Jasper Hale.
I lead against the French doors of the house, just arriving home from a hunt. Alice is sitting beside her mate, Cody. Rosalie is beside Emmett, Esme is in Carlisle's arms. Edward and I are the two without mates.

"You two won't be lonely forever." Alice coos. "Edward. Your mate starts Forks High School tomorrow."

"Really?" Edward asks.

"Blood singer, to be honest." Alice says. "She's human."

"Well. Okay." Edward mumbles.

"I haven't seen anything on you, Jas." Alice muses. "It could very well be Edward's blood singer's sister. They both start Forks High School tomorrow...."

I just nod. "Maybe. We'll see."

Augustine Swan
I finish my shower up, and slip into some silk pajamas. My room is a little bit down the hall from the bathroom, like seven steps.

I climb into my bed after laying something out to wear for tomorrow, and instantly relax. I let my heavy eyes close, and I fall asleep.

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