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Today is Bella's eighteenth birthday, making me somewhat depressed. I'm forever stuck at the age of seventeen, which makes me wish I were a human and healthy again. Vampirism isn't something a person should have to choose.

Alice is throwing this party for the both of us. I'm not turning anything over seventeen, so what's the point in having the party half way for me too? Bella is the one aging, she's the one turning eighteen. Me, on the other hand, I'm stuck at seventeen.

Edward's car pulls up to be house, we all know he has went to pick Bella up. Alice had given her a dark green dress at school, for Bella to wear here for her birthday celebration. In my eyes, the party is strictly for her.

"Happy birthday, Bella." I hug my sister. "You're officially the older sister."

"Sorry," Bella frowns.

I step back beside Jasper again, and y eyes focus on Bella. She awkwardly stands beside Edward, feeling intimidated by the house full of vampires. Jasper easily takes my hand, feeling my uneasiness.

"Time for presents!" Alice chirps, trying to lighten the mood, Cody just sighs~ she drives him crazy sometimes, but he still loves her.

"Mine first," Emmett says with a smirk before handing her a perfectly cubed box.

Bella shakes it first, but heard nothing. Her nose wrinkles up in confusion as she eyes Emmett.

"Already installed it." Emmett smirks. "It's only a decent sound system for that piece of sh...."

"Hey," Bella interrupts, "don't hate the truck."

Rosalie hands Bella a small box and steps back. "It's a necklace, Alice picked it out."

Esme hands Bella a tightly wrapped present. "Something to brighten your day. You've been looking a bit pale lately."

Bella struggles to open it, and a stray piece of paper sliced her finger.

"Augustine.... it's jut a little...." Alice freeze as she steps in front of me. "Blood."

My eyes darken as I stare at Bella's bloody arm, Jasper almost attacked her. Bella's scared eyes stare into mine and I whimper. My throat berms. I have to leave.

I take off running, in the opposite direction of Forks. I halt when I bump into a solid black wolf. I'm in their territory.

"I'm leaving." I say brokenly. "Don't worry."
Sam Uley

Confusion fills my head as she vampire runs off.... That's Bella Swan's sister, wasn't it? I shake my wolf head before I run to the treaty line. I watch Edward drag Jasper out of the Cullen's from where I stand.

Find Bella now. Billy mind links he, he can in his human form, since he's an elder. She's missing. The Cullen's are gone.... even the poor Augustine.

Augustine left Washington, I think. I pass the treaty line distantly, and I roam the woods until I come across Bella. She is laying in a fetal position. Crying, wet, and shivering cold.

I phase into my human form before lifting the human Swan sister up. Easily, whereas Bella is as light as a feather to me, I carry Bella home.

"I found her!" I call out as I emerge from the trees.

Charlie Swan runs over and grabs Bella. "Can you find my Augustine for me?"

"I can try..." I reply.

If she don't wanna be found, you won't find her. I hear Billy's thoughts as we have a silent conversation. Try anyhow. She might be on a bender..... She just got a whiff of Bella's blood.

I nod my wolf head before heading home. "Emily. I'm about to leave for a few days. Charlie Swan and Billy want me to find Augustine."

Emily nods. "You're so sweet."

"I'm a member of this tribe," I shrug. "It is something I have to do."

Emily just kisses me. "I hope she wants to be found, so you can find her."

Augustine Swan.
A few days later.

You ever feel as if you're being followed? No matter which direction you turn, and they followed never leaves?

That's how I have felt since yesterday, her in La Bronx, New York. Too scared to turn around, I keep walking with my shades on. I've feed of twenty humans in three days. My meals are criminals.

My last meal was a man fixing to rape a young girl, who appeared to only be thirteen. He had just finished beating her to a pulp when I fed. She girl, Annie, thanked me, and I ran her home.

That was yesterday, at 12:34pm. Ever since, I have felt someone following me. They small of a vampire, but their scent is unfamiliar. So? I've kept going. Completely aware of the vampire following me.

Suddenly, someone grabs me and flashes me against the wall. Laurent. His new topaz eyes meet mine, and he smirks.

"There's my little vampire." He muses, his French accent makes it almost hard to understand him. "Why are tour eyes so dark, my dear?"

"I.... I've been feeding off humans...." i mutter.

Laurent sighs. "Don't let me stop you, Augustine." Then he's gone.

I slide down the wall, my throat burning. My eyes close for a while, unable to bring myself to hunt for a meal. New York is my home for now.

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