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Several months later.

I've been on my own for several months now, on this bender of human blood~ not wanting to return to an empty house in Forks. Laurent hasn't been back; to be honest, I think he is disappointed about the diet I chose when the Cullen's left.

I drop the body of this child molestar, and I smile at the ten year old boy. He smiles at me thankful, and he runs out of the alley. A familiar scent fills my nose as a car squeals to a stop right outside of the alley.

My eyes scan the body, making one hundred percent the pervert is dead, and I look up. Alice Cullen is standing there, with sad eyes as she looks at my meal from five minutes ago. I look past her, and find Bella in the car.

"C'mon." Alice says. "We have to go."

I get into the backseat of Alice's car, and  cover my nose as Bella's tempting blood fills my nose. "Alice," I say through gritted teeth, "how'd you know where I was?"

"Laurent told me when he found you months ago he's worried about you." Alice replies. "He texted me your location as soon as he left you."

"How did I not expect that?"
12 hours later

The yellow car speeds down the Italian roads, and we get into Volterra. There are humans everywhere, wearing red.

"Why are they all wearing red?" My nosy sister asks, my throat is burning crazily at the tempting smell of her blood.

"The St Marcus day festival." Alice replies. "They're celebrating the extinction of vampires in the city." Alice pauses as we pass a few more humans in red cloaks. "The Volturi will never let him get close enough to reveal himself."

"Five minutes!" Bella declares, looking at the time in the car radio.

"It's okay, Bella." Alice muses lightly. "Just breath."

"Alce!?" Bella panics as we stop.

"Bella, you're the only one he can't see coming!" Alice insists. "He'll read t thoughts, and think I'm lying."

"Where do I go?" Bella asks.

"Gentlemen," I muse as Alice and I enter the castle. "There is a festival going on."

The two guard member's eyes widen as they see my crimson eyes. They're about to speak before we hear heels clicking, a small teenaged vampire is walking down the stone halls. I see Bella in Edward's arms, and I smile.

"Aro would like to see you," the girl says before she sees me- she then leads us all somewhere.

"What a happy surprise, Bella is alive after all," Aro Volturi muses.  "Isn't that wonderful. I just love a happy ending." Aro takes Edward's hands, he shares my ability. "They are so rare. The blood appeals to you so much. It makes me thirsty." Aro pauses, he looks at me then back to Edward. "How Can you stand to be so close to her?"

"It's not without difficulty." Edward says through clenched teeth.

"I can see that," Aro replies with a chuckle.

"Like Augustine, aro can read every thought I've ever had with just one touch." Edward says, he eyes me before turning to Aro- who's looking at me, intrigued. "And now you know everything, so, get in with it."

"You're quite the slow reader yourself, Edward." Aro says, he smirks towards me- since we share our vampire abilities. "Though, you cannot read Bella's thoughts." Aro pauses and walks up to Bella, I step up beside her. "Fascinating." Aro says, glancing at me before staring at Bella. "I want to see if you're an exception to my gift, as well." Aro says, trying to keep from eyeing me. "Would you do me the honor?"

Bella hesitantly hands Aro her hand, and I step closer. Caius flashes in front of me, to keep me from interfering.

"You don't scare me, Caius." I hiss. "Nice try, however."

"Brave little vampire." Caius muses.

"Interesting." Aro speaks, cutting us off. "I see nothing. I wonder...." Aro paces, and stops beside Jane.  "Is she immune to all our powers? Shall we, Jane?"

Jane smirks, "pain."

"She knows too much," Caius says~ and I hear him. "She's a liability."

"That's true." Aro speaks, but his eyes are focused on me. "Felix."

I hiss and I flash in front of Felix as he strolls towards me sister. He goes to shove me, but I don't budge. His eyes widen as I kick him, and he goes flying across the throne room.

"Edward, get Bella out of here." I demand. "Now."

"What is your name?" Aro asks as e flashes in f front of me.

"Augustine Swan." I reply.

"What are your abilities, miss Swan?" Aro asks, intrigued.

"I scan see abilities, I have super strength, I share your ability, and I am a tracker." I respond.

"Interesting." Aro says, and he holds his hand out. "May I?"

I take his hand. My seventeen years of thoughts fill his head, and all of Aro's thoughts fill my head as we close our eyes.

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