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~~< pre warning, I know Jasper isn't really like the and I know this goes against his morals. I wanted to put a little twist and drama in my story >~~
Here is a picture of Cody :

The house begins filling with humans, vampires, and a few wolves by the time of the party rolls around

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The house begins filling with humans, vampires, and a few wolves by the time of the party rolls around. Bella has incited the wolves, despite my distaste in the creatures.

Jacob Black is here, and is a wolf. He is one of the wolves who killed my vampire friend, Laurent. The wolf made Bella a graduation gift. It is a bracelet, it is made of brown leather with a silver wolf charm.

Jasper and Alice have disappeared, Cody looks content while he is talking to Emmett and Rosalie. Carlisle and Esme are gone, hunting. With how tempted I am right now, I may be joining them in my party dress.

The smell of the human blood fades as u climb the stairs, I find Jasper talking to Alice alone. Jasper is standing a little too closely to Alice. Before he can see me, I flash downstairs.

"Cody, come with me, now, please." I say politely, he is speaking with a couple humans now.

"Of course," Cody replies.

I grab Cody's hand, and I gently tug him upstairs. Just to my luck, Jasper and Alice are standing at an inappropriate distance, there noses almost touching.  Cody's eyes darken in anger.

Cody clears his throat, gaining the un-loyal vampires. "Augustine, go find Carlisle and Esme. Hunt before you kill everyone here."

I gently thank Cody before I leave the house. Ashamed of ever loving Jasper.
Jasper Hale.

It isn't like me to be like this, it isn't for meto cheat one a woman. When there was Maria, I was nothing but loyal.... With Augustine, the love eventually faded and I was afraid to tell her.

Augustine must have saw Alice and me first, before she went and retrieved Cody. When Alice and I snuck away, Cody was talking to Emmett and Rosalie along with a couple humans.

"Augustine, go find Carlisle and Esme." Cody says to my former mate, who I have hurt worse than I could ever imagine. "Hunt before you kill everyone here."

When Augustine leaves with a quiet thanks to Cody, Cody glares at me. Before an argument is started, Carlisle interrupts us for a major meeting. I was just saved by Supernatural trouble.
Augustine Swan

I sit beside Cody in the den, avoiding Jasper and Alice at all costs. Alice was the one with the vision, apparently she had it when I walked outside.

"They're coming in four days." Alice says, her ungrateful, backstabbing voice makes me cringe.

"This could be a blood bath." Carlisle adds, eyeing me~ Cody told him what happened~ Jasper and I officially broke up.

Emmett sighs and asks the most important question right now, "who's behind it?"

"I didn't see anyone I recognized." Alice replies, sending me sad eyes. "Maybe one."

"I saw his face, he's a local. Riley Biers." Edward saga. "He isn't behind this."

"Whoever started it, is staying out of the action." I say with a smirk.

"They must be playing with the blind spots in your visions," Carlisle says to Alice.

"Either way," Jasper speaks up for the first time, "the army's coming and there isn't enough of us to protect the town."

"Whoa, hold up!" Jacob Black declares, causing me to glare at him~ I hate wolves enough as is. "What damn army?"

"Newborns, our kind." Carlisle replies as he looks at me.

"What are they after?" Embry Call asks, he is standing behind Jacob and beside Quill Altera.

"They were passing around Bella's scent." Alice replies. "A red close."

I grab Alice's hand, and close my eye. I focus on the vision she had, and my eyes widen.

"They're after Bella?" I gasp.

"What the hell does this mean!?" Jacob demands.

"It means an ugly fight," Carlisle replies from his spot beside Esme. "With lives lost."

"Alright," Jacob says as he looks at the other two wolves here. "We're in."

"No, you'll get yourselves killed!" Bella protests. "No way."

"I wasn't asking for permission." Jacob replies coldly, causing me to hiss- he flinches.

"Edward?" Bella says pleasingly to her fiancée.

"It means more protection for you," Edward mumbles before looking at Jacob.

"Jacob, I believe Sam would agree with an understanding." Carlisle says.

"As long as we get to kill some vampires." Jacob says snuggly.

"I'm out of here." I grumble. "Can't be in this room anymore."

I glare at the wolves, then at Jasper and Alice, then I storm upstairs. I slam the bedroom door behind me.

My dead heart breaks into a million pieces, as it feels. My fist connects with my wall, leaving a huge hole. Venom fills my eyes, I'm well aware the venom won't fall.

"August...." Edward's kind voice says as he enters my room. "I wanted to check on you."

Edward keeps me from responding when he sees the hole in the wall. He just hugs me. Knowing I need someone to support me right now, not pester me.

"Let's go hunt, relieve some stress." Edward says. "The training starts tomorrow."

With those words, Edward and I leave for a hunt.

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