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A couple weeks later
The sound of a dirt bike fills the house, and I step onto the balcony. My suspicion is proved right when Jacob Black looks up at me.

"They are back!" I hear Jacob growl as I stay outside.

Jacob storms upstairs and Rosalie blocks from going too close to Bella. I step inside to be safe, to protect my family.

"It's okay," Bella says weakly. "Rose, help me up."

I tense as Rosalie helps Bella stand, Bella pulls the gray t-shirt over her huge stomach. Jacob's eyes narrow at her stomach before storming up to Edward.

"You did this to her!!" He yells.

On instinct, I slam the palm of my hand into Jacob's chest. He flies across the room as I guard my pregnant sister and her husband.

Jacob looks at me with bewilderment. "You're strong...."

Anger film his eyes again as he sees Bella, he storms out. I watch as he kicks his dirt bike and he phases before running into the trees.

"He cannot control his thoughts in wolf form." I speak without a trace of emotion. "Sam will read his mind, and he will know about the pregnancy."

"Augustine.:... You sound different." Carlisle says.

I look at Edward. "How could you? You have practically killed my sister." I frown. "I hate you," I say with broken words before I go to my room.
Jasper Hale.
I just sigh when I hear the brokenness in Augustine's voice as she speaks to Edward. Bella frowns at the words from her sisters mouth, feeling terrible about everything.

If Augustine haven't had her heart attack when she did, she would have one now.

Edward's face looks paler than normal, looking at the stairs Augustine just went up. She just told him she hates him, and that he has pretty much killed Bella.

Augustine will always hate Edward, because of this. She will love the child when it is born, i know that. Augustine has a good heart, especially when it is family. That is why she hates Edward: this pregnancy will kill her sister.

"Well," Emmett clears his throat. "That was intense."

Esme smiles. "I've never seen Augustine so angry."

"Her sister will be dying soon." I say.

Jacob walks in. "Get Augustine. This conversation is important."

I climb the stairs, and knock gently on my mates door. "Jacob's downstairs. Says it's important." I say before leaving.
Augustine Swan
I pull my hair into a sloppy bun before I go downstairs, into the foyer. I sit the furthest from anyone.

"Hi, Jacob." I say without emotion. "What's up?"

"Sam has lost the element of surprise, and he doesn't want to take you in outnumbered." Jacob begins, smiling sadly at me. "He's not gonna come at you head on. He's got this place surrounded, and he'll wait for his opportunity."

"He won't get through without a fight," Emmett says as he cracks his knuckles.

"No fights." Carlisle says sternly. "We won't be the ones to break the treaty."

"The treaty is void; at least in Sam's eyes." Jacob adds.

"Not in ours," Esme replies gently.

"Carlisle," Emmett says roughly. "Nobody's hunted in weeks." Its true, my eyes are deep crimson.

"We'll make due." Esme says hesitantly.

"You've done us a great service, Jacob." Carlisle says. "Thank you."

I grab Jacob's hand and he goes to fight back. "I'm stronger than you, am I'm high off human blood. Don't. Fight. Me."

Jacob freezes and lets he grab his hand. I close my eyes as every thought he's ever thought fills my head. I look in Jacob's  eyes as I see te thoughts Sam read,

"That's all I needed to see," I whisper emotionless, and I go back to my room.
Jasper Hale
Jacob furrows his eyebrows at how emotionless Augustine has become, and he shrugs it off.

"Seth and Leah are still with me." Jacob says. "They're patrolling the territory, not letting Sam get too close."

"Sam is already close," Carlisle says. "I heard him growl when I stepped into the balcony. He must've gotten past the Clearwater's."

"Must have." Jacob replies. "Is Augustine okay?"

Edward tenses at the mention of her name. "I am going to sit with Bella."

"Augustine isn't in the best mood." I explain to the wolf. "She hates Edward, that's official."

"Forever is a long time for a vampire." Jacob says, and I just nod in agreement.

Augustine will most likely hate Edward forever, since this mistake has killed her sister. The child won't really be a mistake, but Bella should never be pregnant. The poor human is so weak.
Augustine Swan

I pace the floors of my room, listening to the rest of the discussion downstairs. I step onto my roof and see Sam's yellow eyes. They bore into me as if I'm the enemy.

"I guess you hate me no, don't you?" I whisper, frowning. "Not a surprise. I never should have returned to Washington."

I lay back, and I stare at the stars. A smile forms on my face as the twinkling of the Stars calm me down. Sam's breathing has me distracted, because he isn't growling at the sight of me.

Maybe he doesn't hate me, after all.

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