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Two weeks later.

My brown contacts are in, my clothes and heels are on, and my hair is curled. I put on some darkish pink lip stick before pulling on a beanie, and going downstairs. Esme smiles warmly at me, she knows my eyes are still a light crimson under my contacts.

I drive myself to school, Carlisle bought me a silver BMW 335i.

I park my car beside Edward's silver Volvo and I get out

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I park my car beside Edward's silver Volvo and I get out. Edward smiles down at me before we see Bella's truck park in it's usual spot, besides Tyler's black van. Today, instead of coming over here, she talks to her friends.

"Graduation is right around the corner," Edward tells me.

"I wanna tell you something." I say to Edward as we enter the school. "But please, don't tell the others."

"Alright, tell me." Edward says, slightly confused, as we stop by my locker.

"Aro wants me." I admit as I grab my English book, we are returning our text books today. "At the castle, because of my ability."

"He wants Alice too," Edward says. "Because of her ability, also."

"I wanna go to Italy, but I don't wanna leave my family." I admit to Edward. "That's why I'm so...... Conflicted about it."

"You're unaware of what to do." Edward smiles. "When it comes to Aro, that is very normal to feel."

"I have English, I'll see you later."

I sit right beside Jasper at lunch; my regular eyes have darkened under the contacts, all this human blood is making it very hard to fight the urge.

"I'm throwing a party," Alice says as we all talk about graduation, we are sitting at our usual table. "For gradation."

"I mean," Jasper says with a smirk, "how many times do you get to graduate high school."

My eyes scan each and every human in here, the venom in my veins pumping crazily. The pots banging around in the kitchen cause me to jump, even.

"Can someone get me out of here!?" I ask through gritted teeth.

"I got this," Edward says. "C'mon, August."

Bella smiles at us before we speed walk - in human speed- out of the school, then run in vamp speed into the trees. Edward leads me to the perfect hunting spot.

"Let's do this, to help curve your temptation." Edward says. "I'll help you." Good, because the vamp who changed me ~Laurent~ was killed by wolves.

Jasper Hale.
The table is silent after Edward escopeta Augustine out. She was on the verge of skipping, and killing an entire cafeteria of human people. Alice is feeling sad and concerned for Augustine. Rosalie is just confused and worried.

"She was okay at prom." Rosalie mutters.

"There are ten times more people here," Emmett reminds her. "It's harder for the vamps new to the diet to be here. In a much larger crowd."

"Edward will help her," Cody finally speaks. "He's good. He went on a bender, also. He knows Augustine's pain."

"Cody's right," I admit. "Edward will take care of Augustine. Isabella, I hope you aren't jealous."

"No, I am not." Bella admits, truthfully. "As long as he helps me sister. I'm worried about her."

"Remember, you're officially the older sibling." Emmett says, winking at Bella with a laugh.

"Yes, but she's the vampire that can kill me in a split second." Bella replies to Emmett.

"Okay, true, she's new to the diet too." Emmett says. "Still has red eyes."

"That explains the brown contacts." Bella sighs. "She hasn't forgiven me for Laurent being killed."

"She will, eventually." Jasper says. "She can't hate you forever~ forever is a very long time for a vampire."

Augustine Swan
"You should forgive Bella," Edward says as we walk towards home. "She didn't plan to get Laurent killed."

"She and I both knew Laurent was in Forks, looking to see if I returned." I reply with a visible eye roll. "She shouldn't have been alone in the woods. She knows the wolves were watching out, patrolling. They killed Laurent, because she couldn't say away from the woods while alone."

"It still isn't her fault, August." Edward pulls me into a hug. "Rather you forgive her or not, I'll still help you."

With those words spoke, I take my contacts out and let them drop into the grass. Edward places a brotherly hand on my shoulder, and we go inside the house.

Esme hugs me before she says, "Jasper called and said what happened, Augustine. Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." I reply. "Im sure the others are on their way."

I climb the stairs and find my room pretty quickly. Graduation is tomorrow, and Alice's party is the night after. Weirdly, I'm actually looking more forward to Alice's party than I am to graduating.

It's all weird, how fast time moves. It seems like yesterday, Bella and I moved to Forks as juniors. I was human, but my heart was eat up with cancer. Seems like yesterday that my now dead friend, Laurent, changed me. Seems like yesterday I had met this family, and was welcomed in with open arms.

If time were to ever stop moving so fast, it would worry me.

Bella just met Edward, or so it seems. Edward proposed to my sister, and of course she said yes. The ring he used had belonged to his mother, Elizabeth Masen. She had died in the cot, right beside Edward. She died as Edward was changed into a vampire.

Jasper walks in my room, interrupting my thoughts. He gives me a gentle kiss. He holds me for the rest of the night.

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