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Everything is working out good. Edward and Bella's wedding is TOMORROW! Bella will be spending the night at our dad's, while Edward is here.

"Bella!" Alice chirps, causing me to roll my eyes- she and Jasper are still a thing, Alice is a mate stealer. "Head up!"

"Let me," I scoff. "Hold your head up, and stand tall Bella. Have confidence as you walk."

Alice actually smiles at me before walking away. Bella smiles at me before holding her head up high, and walks across the porch~ without tripping.

"You're a miracle worker," Cody says to me.

I smile at Cody, "I like to think so."

To be honest, I'm kind of starting to grow feelings for Cody. Alice had hurt him too, like Jasper hurt me. It was a few weeks ago, but Alice rubs it in our faces daily.

"Wanna hunt?" Cody asks as Bella puts her sneakers back on. "I need one."

My topaz eyes light up t the sound of hunting. "Let's go!"

Cody laughs before we flash into the woods.
Jasper Hale.

Alice helps with setting the backyard up for the Swan / Cullen wedding tomorrow. My eyes watch as Cody and Augustine go into the woods, for a hunt.

"You shouldn't miss her," Emmett says to me matter of factly. "You broke her."

"I'm well aware, Emmett." I snap, gnarling my nose. "And I regret it everyday."

"Augustine is great, and she's doing great as a vampire." Emmett tells me. "In case you wanna know.... Also, I think she's developing feelings for Cody."

"My mate?" Alice gasps.

"You're with Jasper," Emmett smirks. "Good day."

"I.... why?" Alice frowns. "She likes my mate?"

"You stole hers." I shrug. "See you at the wedding, Alice."
Augustine Swan

By the time Cody and I arrive back, we see Jasper and Alice arguing loudly on the balcony. Cody and I decided we better not date, so we don't ruin our bond.

"I think they're breaking up." Rosalie muses as she grabs my hands. "Your mate will be available."

"How will I trust him, Rose?" I ask.

"You will." Cody replies for her. "I'm gonna try trusting Alice again. They are our mates."

"Can I stay at my dad's house tonight?" I ask Carlisle.

"Put your contacts in." Carlisle says.

I shriek happily before flashing up to my room, finding Jasper, and I jump back-startled.

"Hey." Jasper greets as I begin putting my brown contacts in. "Alice and i broke up."

"I saw the fight," I admit. "I'm going to my dads."

"I heard." Jasper says as he hands me the dress I had chosen for the wedding, I'm riding with my dad. "I miss you, Augustine, and I'm very sorry."

"It'll take time for me to forgive you, Jasper." I reply. "I miss you, too."

I flash outside, meetings my soon to be married sister at her truck. She grins at me before we drive to dad's.

"Augustine!" Dad exclaims as he hugs me. "Carlisle healed you?"

"He did," I muse as Billy Black wheels himself into view. "Hey, old man."

Billy chuckles. "You look good as new, Augustine. Charlie here has missed you."

"I'm staying the night." I say.

Dad hugs me tightly. "I just got called in too."

"Go," Billy says. "I'll hang with Augustine."

"Hey," I greet as my dad leaves.

"You died, didn't you?" Billy asks.

"Yes." I reply. "I'm wearing brown contacts right now."

"I'm glad you came tonight." Billy says. "I've been worried, and Charlie has missed you like crazy."

"Feels good," I smirk, "to be missed."

Billy just laughs before rolling into our kitchen. All I do is smile as I turn the tv on.
Jasper Hale
Cody and Alice are having a very intense conversation about everything that has happened. Augustine has just left for Charlie's, so I'm pretty much alone.

I'm sitting on the back step, looking at the wedding decor. I was hoping o marry Augustine one day, before Alice unwittingly convinced me to do something against my morals- to become unfaithful for a couple hours.

"Hey," Emmett greets. "Where's August?"

"Charlie's for the night."  I reply. "She said she misses me, but it'll take a while for her to forgive me."

"Can you blame her?" Emmett asks as he sits beside me. "You hurt her in the worst way, Jasper."

"I know." I reply. "I wish I hadn't."

"We all make mistakes from time to time." Emmett muses. "Cheer up. Augustine will come around; the brave little vampire loves you too much to stay angry with you."

"I love her, too." I sigh, thinking of Augustine Swan.
Augustine Swan

Billy goes home after the game ends, and I go to my old room. It is bare, but a made up bed and my dress for the wedding.

"I miss this place," I whisper to myself before I slip into some pajama shoes and a black tank top.

I sit on my bed, and I lay back. Smiling at Jasper's apology, I prepare myself to see him dressed up tomorrow.

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