Chapter 18- Yeah, I'm Totally Professional...

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“Hello Cita. Long time no see right?”


How the freaking corn-dog can Jenny be here? She doesn’t even exist from our point of view yet. Well, that’s just another thing I have to fix. Jenny’s timeline.

“Jenny,” I said with a nervous drag. “How are you and, you know, what are you doing here?”

“Well,” she began. “After you guys left, I st- borrowed a space pod and I’ve been traveling around since then so, yeah. I haven’t seen you three since I was born.”

The Doctor looked up from the screen he was looking at and looked at Jenny. “What do you mean since you were born?”

Jenny was about to answer, but I pulled on her arm, dragging her over to an empty corner to talk to her while yelling to Donna to help the Doctor for a minute.

Once we got a good distance from the Doctor and Donna, Jenny started to question me. “Cita, what’s wrong? And how come Dad’s acting like her doesn’t know me?”

“Because he doesn’t,” I half whispered, half shouted. “From our point of view, you don’t exist yet. In fact, you won’t for a little while longer.”

“Okay,” she said, finally understanding. “But if I haven’t been born yet then how do you know who I am?”

Ah, now there’s a good question. How the hell do I answer that? I can’t exactly be like ‘oh yeah I have a file stored away in a secret facility that knows, like, everything about you’, nor can I say ‘Oh yeah, I have freaky visions where I sometimes see the future and I saw you die and come back to life.’

“Oh, you know I have-,” I stopped myself and started over. “I’m just more professional than the Doctor and Donna. I know more err…classified stuff.”

“More professional?” she asked with an amused look on her face.

“Yes. Why, is there something wrong with that?”

Jenny shook her head while smiling amusingly. “No no, it’s just that. I didn’t think it was possible for you to be professional.”

I glared at her slightly. “Oh shut it Jenny, now come on! We’ve got to go help the Doctor and Donna. Oh, and don’t mention the Doctor being your dad or you knowing us from the future, okay?”

“Okay,” she replied.

---- THE DOCTOR’S P.O.V. ----

Between trying to help the Morath and wondering what Cita and the blonde, whose name is apparently Jenny, are talking about, my head is full of thoughts. But for right now, I’ve got to push all other thoughts away and focus on how and why Werradith is been gassed and with what type of gas.

“So,” Donna’s voice came from beside me. “I’m really hoping you can read all those lines on the screen and that not just staring at it, ‘cause you don’t look focused.”

“I’m always focused Donna.” lie. “I’m just thinking about stuff. But anyway, so far I’ve gathered some basic information on Werradith. It’s about the size of Earth and Mars, the atmosphere isn’t exactly like Earth’s, less oxygen, but enough for us to breath. The population of this planet is now around 9,000 due to the gasses, so that means the gasses killed about 6,000 Morath. Blimey, the gas must be very poisoning to this species.”

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