Chapter 6: A visit to past(II)

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Chapter 6: A visit to past (II).

Guys guess the song

He looks at you

The way that I would

Does all the thing

I know, that I could

If only time could just turn back

Cause I got three little words

That I've always been dying to tell you


Karan's POV

Oh my god.I still couldn't believe that...... I met Naina and that too thrice within the span of 24 hours. I know I sound like a girl but come on I met my best friend one and only LOVE.

Yes I fell in love with her the day I saw her but Naina being Naina, she was always unobservant.

To be honest, not for once I was mad at her for being unobservant. Infact her being 'motherless', she'd been raise wonderfully by her father.Uncle played the role of a loving and caring mother when she was low, fragile and vulnerable AND a strict dad when she was demanding, naughty and stubborn.

And now encountering her after four years, I wonder how the hell did I refrain myself from meeting her.

Coz you were guilty, idiot. can I forget the very reason that made me feel guilty, coz I knew... right from the start....about Virat and his infidelity.

And like a moron you kept her in dark...

Coz I knew, she loved him blindly and any allegations made by me would be meaningless to her.

Lying on the bed, I close my eyes and the flashback starts and once again I make a visit to past.


Today Virat was returning from States.... after 3 years.Naina was unstoppable, she kept telling me again and again about her love for him and how much she missed him in these years.

I know she is crazy rather head over heels for him and everytime ....its kills me.

Naina was impatiently waiting for Virat at the airport.I too was supposed to be with her to receive him but at last minute I got an urgent meeting and without any choice I had to attend it.

In the entire day I didn't hear a word from her.Not a call nor a msg.My heart was sinking, just worrying about her.

Dude give her some space.Her boyfriend is now back so just accept the fact and move on.

That's when her dad calls me ,"Is Naina with you?", he asked in a panic struck voice.

That's it. I knew something was wrong.

Terribly wrong!

"No, Uncle she's not with me", I said.

"Oh my god, Karan, she hasn't come home.....I don't know where she is?... and she last told me.... she was going to the airport to receive Virat and after that neither did she call nor left a msg.....",he said, almost on the verge of breaking.

"Don't worry uncle, I am on my way", I said cutting him off.

How could he not worry?

I myself was in a daze.....processing the new found information about Naina being missing.As far as I knew her, she's not an irresponsible person.If she's running late or had other plans, she would at least inform her dad or me about her whereabouts.

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