Chapter Eighteen

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It's been two months since the sasaeng incident. Ever since then, the boys of EXO started to follow me around in a circle or a crowd, never leaving my side. It was kind of frustrating, I mean, can't a girl have her privacy when she uses the loo or shower?

Kris, has been more distant than ever. He was the only one who avoided any contact with me. Which meant no touching or talking. I was kind of disappointed at myself for agreeing to the stupid 'scandal'. If Baekhyun hadn't talked me into it, I'm guessing that I would have ended up with Kris.

Speaking of Baekhyun, I've noticed him sneaking around the dorm and going out late at nights. Could he possibly have found a new girl to crush on? I made a mental note to tease him later.

So, enough of that. I have been preparing for my album and my debut since the cast got off. I still needed to go for checkups every two weeks, but apart from that, I'm as fit as a fiddle.

My album, Rebellion, will be out soon since the music video of our version of Safe&Sound was edited and ready to be published. The audio soundtrack is ready and just need to send for burning. For now, my schedule was clear, but I still had to attend a few shots for my second music video 'We Remain'.

When SM had gotten the approval from Christina Aguilera's mange meant for the audio and music video, I basically fangirled. I mean, yes, they sent approval, but Christina personally sent an email to me and suggested that we do a collaboration someday. Me! Oh my gosh.

I can't wait for everything to be done. If I had known that being an idol was going to be hard, I should've stayed with Contagious. It was really tiring if you think of it in a way, but somehow fun if you put it in another way.


Three months later~

"Lily! Lily! Lily!"

As my name was chanted among the crowd of growing fans, I couldn't help but smile. For the first time since what happened with Kris, I was smiling and I was happy. I yelled thank you one last time before retiring to the backstage, where the boys of EXO were waiting for me.

"Lily! Congrats!"

I smiled at my best friend, Christy, who moved here to pursue her career at YG with Trevor, after giving each of the boys a hug, including Kris. The smile on my face never ceased to fade away. This was my first time performing live and already I have a crowd of fans screaming my name. What more could a girl ask for?

"Hey babe, congratulations."

I gave Trevor a hug and smiled brightly. Even though we broke up and I had dated Baekhyun and was now (still) crushing on Kris, our friendship was still there. It didn't falter to anything awkward. It just returned to how it was before everything and all of this happened.

"Thank you all so much. I can't believe I made it through with the album promotions and all. It seems just like yesterday when Christy and I were planning to recruit members for Contagious."

They all laughed at my sudden outburst of nerves, while I on the other hand, didn't think it was funny and pout, showing that I wasn't really comfortable with them doing that. Kris, who was the first to notice my pout, stopped laughing and nudged Baekhyun to stop, which in turn caused them all to stop laughing.

"Sorry. We didn't mean it that way. It's just..sorta funny that way, I guess."

Kris' reply made the atmosphere kind of awkward, seeing that I have not heard him spoke or us communicating for almost five months now. The last time we talked was when he asked if my wrist hurt when the sasaeng fan twisted it.

"So.. I say we go to the guys and Lily's favourite restaurant out of town to celebrate! Who's with me?"

Chorus of 'yeah's and 'okay's sounded as I nodded and smiled. I got to the room that was directed for me and changed out of my white lace dress into my comfortable blue skinny jeans and oversized band-tee. I tied my wavy hair into a ponytail and wiped clean the makeup on my face. When I was finally satisfied with my appearance, I got out to a waiting group of fourteen hungry people.


"Wow! I'm full!"

"I don't think I can move!"

Christy and I giggled at the state of the boys. They had literally unbuckled their belts halfway through the dinner in order to finish everything that was left on the table. Which was, a pretty load of food there. I don't even know why we had ordered so much.

"C'mon, its time to go. Its 10 already. Let's go!"

As we got up, and the boys tidied themselves, we got out of our booth and walked over to the cashier. Christy and I were about to take out our wallets when the cashier shook her head and smiled at us while pointing to Kris.

"Mr. Wu over there has paid for the dinner. I hope you all enjoyed a lovely dinner. Good evening!"

I cocked my head at her cheeriness and walked out, muttering 'slut' so low that only she could hear. As I walked out, I saw her glaring at me out of the corner of my eye. I pulled my tongue out like a little kid and walked off, laughing like an idiot.

"What's so funny?"

A distant and cool voice made me literally jump. The one voice that I've been missing so much... Kris...

"Nothing. It's just really funny how that cashier over there is flirting with every single one of you."

His facial expression softened for a moment before returning back to his cool composure. I frowned slightly and shook my head before climbing onto the van with the rest, while Kris was behind me muttering to himself.

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