Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight 

Lily POV

"OMO! Kris!" I literally ran over to him and held onto his head.

"Hyung! Hyung, doe gwaenchan-a?" 


The boys eventually gathered around beside me as I studied Kris' almost blue lips and his pale face. He felt so cold and this was all my fault.

If only I hadn't dared him to strip into his underwear and continue the game. What the hell was I thinking?

I felt tears welling up my eyes as Kyungsoo oppa grabbed the cordless phone and rang for the ambulance while Suho oppa called their managers. 

Luhan oppa placed a hand on my shoulder as I started to cry. Ugh, this was all my fault. 

"Dongsaeng-ah, it's okay. Come, let's help him get into his clothes before the ambulance arrives." Luhan gave me a small smile, assuring me that everything will be okay.

I returned the smile and placed Kris' head softly on the floor before grabbing his white long-sleeved button-down shirt. I slipped his arms through the sleeves and buttoned the shirt up.

Luhan oppa and Sehun oppa helped with his pants as I took his jacket from the floor and did the same thing, but zipping it up all the way to his neck. 

Kris looked a little more warm, but less pale from before. He was shaking from head to toe and I was starting to get scared.

The ambulance and manager oppas came five minutes later. I was freaking out at the sight of Kris' still blue lips and the cold sweat that was forming on his forehead.

The others were assuring me that it wasn't my fault and that Kris would be okay. But I knew deep down that isn't the case. He wasn't okay. He has pneumonia.


It's been two whole hours since Kris was rushed to the hospital. News of Kris in the hospital were already everywhere. Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, Weibo etc. were trending hashtags of #GetWellSoonKris.

He wasn't out of the OR yet and I was getting more worried. I knew he had pneumonia. The signs all pointed to that. But I might be wrong.

My hands were clapped shut and I was praying. Baekhyun and Tao being the ones who sat close to me. Tao's face was filled with tears and I couldn't help but ask God for help.

Finally, after another half an hour, the doctor came out. His face was serious and this got me worried all over again. Was it seriously that bad?

"Mr. Wu is diagnosed with pneumonia and he is in the danger stage. He will be placed in a quarantine room and only family members are allowed to visit him." 

The doctor looked towards the managers and beckoned them to follow him so he could tell them more. I backed away until my back hit the wall as I slipped down, burying my head in between my legs.

"This is all my fault. Why did I dare him to do that? Ugh. I should have asked him to wear back his clothes. This is all my fault." 

I was crying again. So was Tao and Lay. This was all my fault. I got up just as Suho was coming to comfort me. I ran towards the girls' restroom and cried my heart out.

I was so weak. But who could complain? I was only fifteen.

Kris POV

I felt so weak and helpless. What is wrong with me? 

I felt so cold and so hot at the same time. I couldn't breathe properly as if my lungs were blocked. Was something happening to me? Was I dying?

I tried to open my eyes, but I was too weak. I could only stay asleep and wake up whenever my body wants me to.

Lily POV

It's been almost fifteen minutes since I've been left in pure silence. The only sounds were from me sobbing. I was still guilty and didn't want to face the others.

But I had to. For the sake of my career, I had to. I had to get along with the boys, make friends with them. I was shy, but I was willing to be brave just to fulfill my career.

I got out of the stall that I had been in and went to wash my face. I made sure my eyes weren't red and puffy because of crying and went on.

I walked over to the information desk and asked for Kris' room number since I knew that the others would already be there. He was like a brother to them, and the lot of them were inseparable.

"Lily! Where were you?!" 

Chanyeol ran towards me and gave me a tight yet soothing hug. I told myself to hold in the tears, I can't look vulnerable in front of them ever again.

"I had a stomachache. So I went to the girls' room. Sorry if I made you guys worried." 

I gave them a small smile before proceeding towards the window of Kris' room. There were lots of machines hooked up and into Kris' body. He looked so lonely in that cold room.


I turned around and saw Baekhyun spreading his arms for me. I couldn't help it. I was still vulnerable. No matter how many times I tell myself to be strong, I was still a vulnerable fifteen-year old girl.

Baekhyun was just like my ex-boyfriend back home. One that was both my friend and my boyfriend. But I sadly had to cut all ties with him. I'm pretty sure he was disappointed at me.

"Shh. It's okay. It's all going to be okay." 

Baekhyun stroked my hair as I cried into his chest. He was about a head taller than I was, so it was kinda an awkward position.

Oh well, at least I have a shoulder to cry on.

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