Chapter 6: Wait What Did He Say?

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I felt pain erupt throughout my body as I regained consciousness. Inhaling is like thousands of needles are stabbing me and swallowing feels like glass being forced down my throat.

My eyes slowly began to open at the sun peeking over some trees? Before I woke up, I was in a storage closet. Despite pain striking my body with every motion, I managed to sit up and look at my surroundings. I find myself surrounded by a lush forest, green bushes, trees with vibrant green leaves, and blooming flowers.

Despite the season being autumn, I felt more at peace in this forest than anywhere. The only sound is my breathing, the birds chirping in the tree, and the soft running of a nearby stream. I slide my hands through the soft forest floor, as I listen to the sounds of the forest.

That is until a twig snaps near me, I turn to find the source of the noise, despite my body protesting against the movement. My breathing quickens as it comes closer, as I find a fox. It tilts its head to the side as I crouch, tense as if to pounce on the animal. It takes a step backward and runs off. Curious but thankful for the silence, I sit back down. When not a moment later, someone comes running up to me.

"Dawn, are you okay?" Rose asks as she tries to make me stand up. But my body screams as I move, so I'm forced to sit down.

"Ah, right" she replies to my pain and starts to look through her bag, then her surroundings. She pulls out two dark green leaves and hands them to me.

"Eat it, you'll feel better," she replies before scouting the area. The pain was starting to affect me, so what the hell! I ate the leaves, instead of tasting close to something like lettuce. It's almost like berries because the leaves tasted very sweet. But, after I finished chewing the pain subdued for the most part.

"Rose, what's going on?" I ask her, as she comes back, the fox in tow. She looked around once more before answering.

"A lot of things, too much that I can't explain here, but for now we need to meet up with the others," she replies and takes my hand, a slight sting. Nonetheless, I let her drag me along. Meeting the other two by the stream I heard earlier.

"Dawn, are you alright?" Zach asked as Rose sat me down by a fire. Although it's the middle of the day, and the flame was bright green.

"Apart from the excruciating pain, that was subdued by a plant that tasted like berries, I'm fine," I sigh looking at the fire.

"Well, that certain spell can hurt on your first try, especially if it's done with more than one person," Natalie scowls at Rose, making her look away.

"It's not my fault I'm not used to casting Transportial with multiple people to think of," she replies, looking back at Natalie. And what the hell is Transportial?

"Well now isn't the time to argue, we need to get to the castle," Zach intervenes as both sigh.

"Ok, let's go," Rose exclaims.

"Wait, what's going on?" I ask as they all turn to look at me, again as if they forgot my existence.

"There's too much to explain now, we just need to get to the castle," Rose replies, but I wasn't having any of this.

"No, I should know what's going on, for starters why was that panther thing at the school? And more importantly, why did Zach call you two Raina and Lillith?" I continue to interrogate, they exchange glances with each other. Then turn back to me.

"Might as well get the second one out of the way," Zach replies looking at me. "I called them those names because those are their real names, Rose's real name is Raina, and Natalie's is Lillith, mine is the same, instead of Zachary, my real name is Roman," he continues, bowing as he presents himself.

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