Make Daddy Jealous

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Request from lion0062

Arthit is walking to the canteen when he sees his boyfriend talking to nong Khaofang so happily. His feet stop walking and he gets mad and jealous. He doesn't even notice him being there.

He turns around and walks back to his dorm. His friends want to follow him but Knot stops them. Arthit knows what to do to get revenge.

While Kongpob so engrosses in talking to his junior that he doesn't notice what is happening around him. He is oblivious as to what the junior does to him.

Arthit opens his dorm door and walk-in. The moment he walks in makes him in little space as he sees all the stuffies arrange neatly on his bed.

He starts to cry.

"Mr. Elephant... Daddy won't love me... He wants to eave me... " Arthit cries as he talks to his favorite stuffed.

Arthit in little space feels like the elephant doll talks to him back saying that he should take revenge on his daddy.

He gasps.

"ill daddy not eave me? Oon is afraid."

He makes the doll nodded.

That day he rejects all the calls or the knock on the door from his daddy. It is making him sad but he has to take revenge on his daddy for making him jealous.

The next day is Saturday so he decided to dress as a girl with a wig to make his daddy jealous. Purposely making him jealous. Since he knows his daddy is going out with uncle Aim.

He chooses to wear a white oversized shirt, short brown pants, and a long black stocking. A straight wig on his head. He giggles at his reflection in the mirror.

"daddy ill be sho jealous." he giggles.

He walks out of the dorm. The little can feels that all the people look at him. But he doesn't care about how other looks at him but he care how his daddy looks to him.

He gets in the taxi and asks the driver to go to Siam Square. He tries to be big and he did succeed and pay the money.

He walks in and walks around the mall. Since he can't find his daddy. He just walks around. He stops walking when he find a store selling stuff doll. His eyes lit up seeing the store. He walks in and walks around the store.

The people in the mall all look at him. They can't believe how beautiful the girl is. Some of them want to talk to her but afraid because this is in public.

Kongpob stop his walk when he heard a murmur saying someone beautiful but childlike girl is walking around the mall alone. Kongpob doesn't want to assume but he really afraid and jealous if that person is his boyfriend. His baby.

Aim heard it too and look at his friend's face. The worry and jealousy showed on it

"You want to find the girl? " Aim ask

"We have to. If that person is p'Arthit I will be dead." Kongpob said.

Aim frown.

Kongpob notices the frown continue,  "it means that I make him jealous somehow and he wants to get revenge by doing the same. And if p'Arthit did, it means that he will be doing it all day. The effect is on me. I will get jealous."

Aim just nodded.

"So... Where to? "

Kongpob thinks first, "I know we go to the toy store and after that, a woman's clothe shop."

They walk and walk but they still can't find the girl. The last choice is the stuff doll shop. They go to the shop and there that person standing looking at the cute minion doll.

Kongpob and Aim walk closer and tap her shoulder. The girl turns around and Kongpob feels like he wants to faint from the jealousy he gets.

She is his boyfriend. P'Arthit wearing girly clothes to make him jealous.

The little gasp and jump up and down while giggling.

"Daddy. Found."

"Oon...what are you doing here with this outfit."

"ant to make daddy ealous. Daddy makes Oon ealous." Arthit said with a low voice. He doesn't want someone to stare at him with disgusting eyes.

"What do you mean that daddy makes you jealous? Daddy is not. " Kongpob defend himself.

Arthit starts to get teary.

"I think he means when you talk to nong Khaofang yesterday." Aim whisper

" you mean when daddy talks to a girl yesterday."

The little nodded his head.

"Oon...I was just talking to hear nothing else."

"weally? " Arthit ask

Kongpob nodded.

"Don't wear this outfit outside again."

The little just tilts his head. He actually knows what his daddy means but he pretending to don't know anything.

Kongpob sigh in defeat.

"Want to follow daddy and uncle Aim? "

The little nodded. He holds his daddy's hand and walks with him.

Aim at left Kongpob and the little at right.

The whole day, Kongpob feels like he wants to kidnap the little to keep away him from the flirtatious eyes. While the little is so happy that his daddy is jealous.

Kongpob and Arthit are in their dorm now. Arthit already takes his bath and out of little space. Means he is big right now.

Kongpob seeing his boyfriend big quickly apologize.

"P... I am so sorry. I just talk to nong Khaofang about her study. I promise nothing else."

"Okay, I accept your promise."

"Really? " Kongpob asks. He shocks that his boyfriend accepts his apology easily just like that.

Arthit just nodded. Well, he can do that again if Kongpob doing the same thing again. But he doubts that Kongpob will do it again.

He smiles. The mission of making daddy jealous is a success.

Thank you for the request. I hope you like the story. Once again, I want to tell you that if you don't like any part of the story tell me. I will fix it. Thank you.

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