Kongpob's Love For Arthit

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Request by lion0062

Arthit is a third-year student while Kongpob is a first-year student. Most of the students respect the senior as Arthit is the head hazer. But it's not the case for Kongpob.

Arthit thought that Kongpob just trying to be his friend though it is not what he expected. Arthit really wants Kongpob to be his caregiver and his lover but he is afraid of what the younger think about him being a little.

As for Kongpob, he actually loves Arthit for almost 7 months. But something about the senior makes the other distant himself with Kongpob. No matter what he does, the wall called friend always stops him from continuing to make Arthit love him.

Arthit is now in his room. Playing with his stuffies while giggling. Colouring and all the things that kids like to do. Unknown to him that someone spying on him.

"Mr. Moon, oon really want 'daddy', my daddy. But...oon afraid daddy 'ate oon." Arthit said to his lion stuffy.

The stuffy just sit and stare at Arthit. The little continue child talk to the stuffy.

All this scene has been witnessed by Kongpob. His smile widens.

'so, this is the reason why p'Arthit reject me so many times.' Kongpob thought.

Kongpob walks out of his room to Arthit's room.

After 5 minutes, the knock could be heard from inside Arthit's room. The little startle.

"W-who is t-that?" Arthit said trying not to sound like a child.

"P...it's me, Kongpob."

Upon hearing the name, nervousness and afraid can be felt inside Arthit.

"I know you inside p. Please open the door."

"N-no. Don't wanna." Arthit said almost slip his secret out.

"P'Arthit...I know you a little."

Arthit freeze. He instantly out of little space. He slowly walks to the door and unlocks the door.

Kongpob smiles softly seeing a pink blush on his beloved senior's cheeks. Kongpob walks inside and sits on the chair.

"How did you know I'm a little?"

Kongpob point to a room facing his room and said "my room is there p."

Arthit's cheeks darken and he really wants to hide into a hole right now. He is really embarrassed. How come he didn't notice Kongpob lives there?

Kongpob chuckle, "P...I really want to be your caregiver and if you let me, I also want to be your.....boyfriend."

Arthit's head snaps up. He is shocked by what Kongpob just said.

"Y-y-you really want to be with me? You, not h-h-'ate oon?" Arthit slips once again.

"Yes oon. I want to be your daddy and lover."

"Yesh daddy. But what is lober?" Arthit tilts his head in confusion

"You don't have to think about it now."

"Oon think daddy 'ate oon. Becaushe oon little."

"No oon. Daddy loves you."

The little smile shyly and hide his face while Kongpob smile at his cute senior.


I hope you like this story. I am sorry I'm late updating the new story.

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