19: Self Afflicted.

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"I thought you were joking?" Abdulrazaq asks Khalil.
He shakes his head "No I wasn't. It might make Zainab start behaving better and also Ma has been on me for months now".

I huff "So you're really getting remarried?"
"If I could avoid this I would and being honest, if I say I'm not even a little bit interested in the marriage I'd be lying. I love Zainab and I want to spend forever with her, that's why I chose getting remarried instead of divorcing her. I know people will call me all sort of names for getting remarried just a year after I married my first wife but it a choice I had to make. Honestly, it feels like I'm trapped being with Zainab and it's taking a toll on me health wise. So I've decided to do it, not only for myself and Ma but to her as well. Maybe she'll change".

This is going to kill Zainab, because she loves Khalil a lot. I know something profound is happening to her and that's why she's behaving that way but I can understand Khalil, that's no way to live your life.


"You can't believe it!" Zainab says when she comes in.
Aisha was lying down on her bed reading a magazine.

"What is it now?" She asks sounding uninterested.
"I just saw the most perfect guy" she answered back.
Aisha immediately throws the magazine on the bed and sits next to Zainab on her bed.

"Who?" She asks smiling.

"Mtsssw, I should stop paying attention to you" she gets up and sits back on her bed.

"I'm serious, I never really noticed how fine he is until today. Can't I marry him?"

Aisha scoffs "Keep on dreaming you're just 16 and you're talking about marrying Khalil?"

"Killjoy! Only God knows what the future holds".

Aisha bursts out laughing, irritating Zainab.
"We will get married, have children and grow old together and inshallah I will be the only woman cause I'm all he wants" she pauses "so stop trying to ruin my mood. Infact I'll go keep him company" she smiles and walks out the door.

"Psycho" Aisha murmurs.


"You okay?" Abdulrazaq asks me snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah I'm fine, just tired that's all" I reply back trying to put up a smile but fail woefully when I see the look on his face.

"We got good news but we can't tell him because he's going to feel worse in fact I don't even know who I can tell. My family is in a tough situation because my sister blames me for God knows what"

"Don't let it bother you she's going to be fine and snap right back soon enough" he says putting his arms around my shoulder.

"As far as I'm concerned whoever knows you don't know how lucky they are" He adds with a smile.

I pull away instantly.
"Your guest is still in the living room"
He laughs.

"Don't tell me you forgot"
"I did, I should go back" he walks away still laughing.

Farouk's POV.

I hate it when people make me wait
I wonder who the hell she thinks she is.

I finally see her enter the restaurant, strutting.
It annoyed the hell out me.

"Sorry I kept you waiting" she says as she sits across me, placing one leg on the other.
"Who the hell do you think you are to keep me waiting?" I ask getting infuriated by her arrogance.

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