18: It Got Worse.

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Aisha's POV.

I hug Mami as we both cried heavily.
Family had already started gathering while Ya Ahmed, Umar and some of our uncles made preparations.

Mami was out of it so she couldn't do a thing. Baba's younger sisters  started their own preparations but I couldn't and neither could Mami.

"He—he was fine just a few hours ago"
She says as she cried louder.

I keep tapping her back as my whines die down slowly.
We haven't been able to reach Zainab, none of us have.

Khalil has been asking around, he's afraid something might have happened when she heard the news and I really hope that's not the case.

I gently head Mami to her room, more people were coming and I don't think they should see her that way.

She sits on the bed sniffling "Where is Zainab?" She asks when she finally comes back to her senses.
"She'll be here soon"

"Soon? She should be here already. Her house isn't as far as yours and you've been here for a while"
I nod.

Abdulrazaq and Uncle Bashir are getting the paperwork at the hospital ready, as he was pronounced dead there.
"But Mami, what happened?"

She shakes her head "I don't know, he was on a call and that was it—I left to get our food and by—by the time I got back he was on the floor". She huffs "How could it have happened?"

I look at the time.
It's already past 5.
"You should take your bath Mami, I'll go tend to the guests".

She nods as tears cascaded her face.
I hold her hand "Mami, please don't cry. All we can do now is pray for me. So why don't you take your bath first"

She nods "I said I will"
"Okay" I tap her hands before walking out.

Baba was buried a few hours ago.
Zainab arrived a few minutes ago crying like she was going to go crazy so Khalil has been in the room with her trying to calm her down.

Mami and I have been tending to the guests but I'm scared she might collapse, she hasn't eaten or taken water.

So the moment the house came less busy I went to her with food.
She shakes her head when she sees me approaching.

I shake my head as well "No. you need to eat, it's not a choice"
"Aishatu, food is the last thing on my mind. Just let me be"

I shake my head "No, you should eat. You need food and starving yourself won't make you feel better, you don't have to eat a lot but at least put something in your stomach.

She looks at me reluctantly but collects it.
I smile "Thank you".

I decided to go meet Abdulrazaq outside.
I got a text from him before I took the food to Mami.

I met him in the gazebo looking at the canned drink in his hand absentmindedly.
"You okay?"

He raises his head and immediately approaches me "I should be asking you that"
He holds my hands and leads me to sit "Have you eaten?"

I shake my head.
"So you're judging Mami when you haven't either?"
"I will, I promise"

He shakes his head "You should eat too, you need food if you're going to keep attending to guests. More will come tomorrow and the day after that so you need to be healthy and strong".

I smile "I will as soon as I go back in. Anyway, Ammi and Humaira came by earlier"
He nods "She told me"

"I called and thanked her but can you thank her again for me when you call?"
"She's your mother in law anyway"

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