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The cashier nodded off, entering the price for 2 packs of cigarettes. "These are for you?" He asked solemnly.

"Yes, they are." (Y/n) replied, leaning over the counter in interest. "Do you need to see ID?"

The cashier sighed, "Yes, if you don't mind."

"Of course not." (Y/n) smiled, regaining regular posture whilst fumbling in her bag for her wallet. Once reaching her ID she handed it to the cashier, swiping the two packs of cigarettes as his eyes scanned the card. The soft blue eyes began to glow, the cashiers quirk involving a search technique. (Y/n) concluded her thoughts and placed 2000¥ on the table, taking back her ID. "Have a nice day."


"Damn it, why must this be so hard." (Y/n) sighed, leaping across buildings to catch the wanted villain: Tomura Shigaraki. The psychopath sure had a way around, the place that he'd been located was barely found on a map. Which made (Y/n)'s job even worse.

His accomplices were no better. Dabi, the smug cunt who couldn't keep his mouth shut if his life depended on it. And Toga, the overly hyped girl who carelessly carried medical tools around like a 5 year old. Nothing much was different as this was her daily life. Barely any breaks, always on the chase.

But something felt off.

As (Y/n) had caught Dabi with her quirk, liquid manipulation, eyes were burning into the back of her head. Toga and Tomura had already escape by now, so who was it? Perhaps Kurogiri, the mystifying butler.

(Y/n) had lost focus, causing Dabi to be set free as his blood had began to rage once again. Her quirk, liquid manipulation, meant any liquid could be manipulated including blood, as long as she made contact with it.

It was useful in close range combat, though she had little skill farther away. The best she could do was temporarily control water as the after effects of her quirk were not pretty.

(Y/n) huffed in annoyance, deciding to call it a day as the three weren't causing much trouble. Victims and citizens were already evacuated, and the pros were most likely notified along with the police. So what was the point?

(Y/n) prepared herself, about to jump from a high building before being stopped by a familiar voice.

"Don't go! Well, not yet at least. I haven't even had my fun yet..."

(Y/n)'s heart dropped, the venom lacing his tone was beyond terrifying. Who knew someone could petrify her to the point of shock. The female slowly turned around, only to be met with a pair of green smoldering eyes.

"You'll let me have my fun, won't you?"



I wanted to start a BNHA book, considering my newfound attachment to it. I'm obsessed with the idea of Deku being a villain, because I feel he'd be so cunning and deceiving, but still have that bit of innocence within him.

NOT SORRY | VILLAIN IZUKU X READERWhere stories live. Discover now