Chapter 9

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chapter 9: past

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chapter 9: past

"[L/N], TOSHINORI IS HERE TO SEE YOU." A NURSE QUITELY ENTERED THE ROOM, BUT THE SMALL AMOUNT OF PEACE WAS DISTURBED WHEN THE HANDLE HIT THE WALL. (Y/n)'s once distracted expression had flamed into an anticipating look, making the innocent nurse shiver.

"Bring him in." His awaited arrival made (Y/n) anxious. She was never planning on taking anything out on Toshinori, nobody was able to explain why Izuku had suddenly snapped. Her mind wandered off to the thought of his childhood. Could it have been a possibility? Maybe bad memories had resurfaced, and he became extremely ill in the head. Bakugou's torment had soon stopped after he'd found out about Izuku's connection with All Might, so the blond explosion was out of the question. (Y/n) created a hypothesis, but as she was about to conclude her train of thinking, a tall slender man had walked into the room.

Toshinori smiled softly, a bit heartbroken by her torn up state. Nonetheless, he was glad to see the girl in better condition. After all, she was his student in the past.

Along with Izuku, Toshinori had formed a close bond with (Y/n). Seeing as Izuku was close to (Y/n), they spent a majority of their time together. And when Izuku would train with All Might, she'd tag along for the ride. He reminisced those fond memories, but a dark cloud had constantly hung over his head when he'd see Izuku's smiling face.

"(L/n), it's so great to see you again after these long years. I see you're doing well." Toshinori walked over and took a seat next to her hospital bed, crossing his hands in his lap politely. The girl nodded in response with a soft spoken gaze. She knew none of this was his fault, therefore she had no reason to take out any of her anger on the retired man.

"I see you're doing alright as well, though the coughing hasn't lightened up has it?"

Conveniently, he released a loud cough after she'd finished her sentence. With a sigh, she leaned back on the uncomfortable hospital mattress.

"I guess it hasn't. My apologies, I didn't mean to make you worry."

"Don't apologise, it was never your fault in the first place. Have they prescribed you anything?"

"No, nothing yet."

"I see." (Y/n) released a long breath that she didn't realize was being held, and gently closed her eyes in thought.

"Enough about me, how are you lately?"


Was she supposed to tell the truth? The tobacco addiction? Her depression and self depricating thoughts? Her constant worry of not being able to achieve anything in life?

NOT SORRY | VILLAIN IZUKU X READERWhere stories live. Discover now