Chapter 23

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chapter 23: redemption

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chapter 23: redemption


Furious could not be a word that described Golzine's rage. If every word that encrypted anger had been mashed together into one, he believed that he represented such a word. His bland eyes suddenly lit up with such a fire that even Endeavor would be put to shame, and Golzine felt as if he could destroy an entire building with his newfound adrenaline.

When first hearing the alarm, Golzine dismissed it as a drill. From what he could recall, a drill was supposedly planned somewhere near this date, though no one elaborated on when it would be. Within the week, he had guessed. But only 5 minutes later had he gotten a report that three prisoners had broken out, along with one guard down. He had suffered from multiple blows to the head and seemed to be unconscious, along with a blow to his private area. Seemed like a big fuck you, Golzine thought solemnly as he recalled each event.

"Names of each escapee?" Golzine bellowed, barely hearing the latter squeak in surprise before speaking in hushed sentences to the person next to them.

"Uh, Bakugou Katsuki, [Y/N] [L/N], and Midoriya Izuku."

That seemed to set off the spark.

From then on, Golzine's items that once were neatly placed on his desk were thrown off in an instant. Even his computer didn't stand a chance. A large cup of coffee was knocked onto the keyboard and the monitor was furiously thrown to the wall, screen shattering on impact. He wouldn't have cared if it had been some low life prisoners, no, they didn't matter. But hearing that his prized possession - Midoriya Izuku - had escaped, he didn't know what to feel. The experiments were going so well, but this had changed everything.

Experiment 5401, their final, slightly successful experiment. The drug that was created was such a harmful chemical that when injected or consumed, it would immediately paralyze their holder and leave them under the hold of the first person who speaks. They could command anything, ranging from sexual encounters to murder. Golzine was planning on using this to make Midoriya into an all powerful machine, but it turned out that it'd be harder than he thought.

With the troublesome heroes at his side, it'd be difficult to convert Midoriya. They seemed very insistent on trying to change him - it wasn't hard to quickly establish their morals once they had said that they were there for their "friend" Midoriya. [Y/N] [L/N], a powerhouse of nicotine with an annoying attitude. And Bakugou Katsuki, a boy with the looks but an attitude to ruin it.

In order to get to Midoriya, he'd have to take them out, quickly.

But did Midoriya have more people on his side then he thought?


The tense atmosphere greeted the three stooges with a slap to the face. They first made it to [Y/N]'s place, and with a knock on the door Todoroki had opened with the most terrified expression. He rambled on about being extremely worried - about [Y/N], mainly - but when he saw Midoriya, he suddenly turned somber. With small regrets and short tendencies to punch the living shit out of him, he opened the door even wider and invited them all in.

The three politely sat themselves on the couch, and surprisingly enough Bakugou hadn't said a word. Midoriya had expected the explosive boy to cuss him out, but right now he had the same initiative. He knew that those hickeys were from Bakugou, the guilt was written all over his face. But the blond was oddly quiet about it, the green haired boy really was hoping for a punch to the face so he could strike back with reason, but he knew that now wasn't the time for a fight. They had greater matters at hand, he knew that much.

Todoroki was the first to even speak, clearing his throat softly. The three turned their heads towards him, listening intensively. "So, anyone care to explain what happened? Bakugou hasn't said a word, [Y/N] looks like she's about to overdose, and Midoriya is with us without going full on rage mode." he speculated. Bakugou and [Y/N] glanced at each other, agreeing with each other that they should explain.

There went an hour long explanation about their eventful adventure, and Todoroki was left in complete shock afterwards. His eyes were wide and his mouth hung open like he was trying to catch flies. He couldn't speak, not after what they had said.

After a while, the team realized that they unfortunately would have to team up with Midoriya, their past friend turned enemy. It was shocking, disgusting, disturbing, all the negative words you could think of. If there was any other way to stop the madness that was about to entail, they would reach for that solution like their lives depended on it; on second though, it did.

Teaming with Midoriya would mean a lot of things. Possible redemption, possible betrayal,

possible death.

Bakugou and Todoroki could only recall the past. Kirishima's body in the hospital, being hospitalized by him, it was all crashing in like a freight train. To be honest, they were absolutely terrified of each option that came into their minds. Midoriya was unpredictable, he was a demon in disguise. They couldn't tell what his next moves could be, he was unreadable. No, if anything, Midoriya read them, like a book even.

While they thought of many sinister thoughts, Midoriya was practically foaming at the mouth. The thought of working with [Y/N] once more and winning her over was a thought that had never crossed his mind until now. Bakugou and Todoroki didn't stand a chance, neither did Kirishima. Not with his utter charm and seductiveness, he knew for sure that he could win [Y/N] over. With labored breaths, he trudged over to Bakugou and Todoroki, pushing the half-hot-half-cold man out of his way before grabbing the explosive boys collar, shoving him up against the way.

Bakugou cried out in pain, coughing slightly at the impact. Todoroki - who had fallen to the floor - was in utter shock, staring intently at the scene before him. [Y/N], on the other hand, wasn't even paying attention. Her mind swerved with thoughts about the hospital, the lifeless eyes of each experiment, the fact that they had their arms wrapped around the entire world in a vice-like grip. Midoriya was back, and working with them after all this time. This was her chance to redeem.

Yes, redemption, it sounded absolutely amazing.

Her train of thought was interrupted when she heard Midoriya's faint yells and curses, obviously directed towards the explosive boy as she heard him yell in retaliation.

"Obscene, disgusting mutt! You dare touch her?!" Midoriya bellowed, glaring at Bakugou with such intensity that it made him shiver in distaste. His grip on Bakugou's collar tightened, and the receiving male could feel his shirt slowly burning off from the tension.

"You don't own her, fuck face!" Bakugou argued, pushing Midoriya off with haste. He knew that the male was a very strategic person, he hadn't done this out of pure recklessness. He had something in mind, and it wasn't good.

Thankfully, the overly dense [Y/N] came to the rescue and stood in between the two.

"Everyone, it's time for redemption! So shut the fuck up and listen here."



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