Chapter 28

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chapter 28: epiphany

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chapter 28: epiphany


"Its just you and me now, [Y/N]."

"You're the LAST person I want to be with, Midoriya."

Now THAT was a blow to the heart.

Midoriya frowned, looking out the window in utter betrayal and sadness, almost as if he was in a sappy music video. [Y/N] only sighed dramatically, looking out of the opposite window in an attempt to find the firecracker and the Canadian flag. But, to her dismay, neither were to be seen. And to top it all off, the fog was back.

"You've got to be shitting me! Where are they now?" [Y/N] cursed, panicking slightly as the image of a hurt Bakugou and Todoroki traveled through her head.

"Calm down, [Y/N]. I'm sure they're fine, besides, you should worry about yourself more than them."

"What do you mean-"

"We're alone in a car together, not a soul in sight. The doors are locked, and I am a man, [Y/N]. There is many things I can do to you, right here, right now." Midoriya whispered, trailing his hand along the front seat in a lustful way, showing [Y/N] that he really was no one to mess with.

"Do I need to put on some clown music for you? Stop that bullshit, we're in a tight situation right now-"

"Those hickies, on your neck. Where did they come from, huh?" Midoriya retaliated, scooting closer to [Y/N] without her even realizing it.

"H-Hickies? You've got it all wrong, they're burn marks..." she stuttered, putting her hand against the door handle.

"I'm not an idiot, [Y/N]. It offends me that you'd even try that." By then, he was too close for comfort. His scarred hand slowly made it's way to her thigh, pressing every finger slowly onto her flesh. It was tantalizing, bothersome, terrifying.

"No, wait Midoriya-"

"Why? Why do you find more interest in those assholes? We've been together for years now, [Y/N]. Those losers couldn't compare to the relationship that we have." His voice began to raise, words spilling out like a can of beans. The air grew tense, and the grip on her tights became tighter as every second passed.

"Midoriya, stop-!"

All sounds were suddenly silenced by two lips pressing together. The surprising tactic caught [Y/N] offguard almost immediately, so much that she didn't notice the pink tongue swerving in her mouth.

"Mm- Midoriya!" she slurred, trying to push him off, but it was no use. Not only did she feel violated, but she couldn't deny the slight attraction she experienced when their lips were connected. His saliva was sweet, too sweet. It almost tasted like chocolate; as many may say, chocolate is a vital key in sexual encounters.

But now was definitely not the time nor the place to continue their arousing fiasco.

With soft force, [Y/N] pushed his head away from hers and gasped for air, something that was taken away from her for a minute straight. "M-Midoriya, we can talk about this later, but now really isn't the time-"

"No, I will not wait any longer! Do you know how hard it's been to see those two basically press themselves against you while I'm left out in the open like some fish out of water? I will not let this opportunity slip past my fingers, not this time!" he yelled, placing himself on top of her body in a swift motion.

"You're seriously barking up the wrong tree, Midoriya!" [Y/N] panicked, glancing at every part of the car in an attempt to find something to fend him off with, but alas, there was nothing but tissues and empty coffee cups.

His lips found their way to her soft skin, placing the soft appendage against the old yet still apparent hickeys on her neck. With a quick and painful move, he bit her neck, sucking the small trickles of blood that were released from her skin.

"Ouch! M-Midoriya, stop!" she pleaded, hitting his back desperately. Finally, he released his hold and backed up slightly, staring at [Y/N] with an intensity that could rival Aizawa's.

"I'll never stop, not until everyone on this planet is dead."

A sudden black flash covered [Y/N]'s vision, and she gasped in surprise. "What the hell-" she yelled, back hitting against the car door.

It felt like hours, hell, even days before her vision was recovered, when in reality it was only a singular minute.

But when she opened her eyes, she didn't expect the sight that was before her. Something that was seemingly normal to another was not normal to [Y/N].

There sat Midoriya Izuku, just as confused as [Y/N] was.



this was the work of a villains quirk, who will be revealed in the next chapter!

can you guess what their quirk is? I'll give you a cookie if you do ;D

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