Chapter 11

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So here we are the next morning, Jughead, Archie and I sitting in front of FP looking at eachother through a plastic wall. Archie and I shared a phone as there were only two. "Start from the beginning, guys." So thats what we did we told him everything he needed to know.

"Hey, you can reprimand me for joining the Serpents later, but if we don't do something now... there will be no more Serpents. It'll just be the Ghoulies." FP hit the plastic with the phone angered.

"I'm more mad that you dragged Freya into this mess." He looked down at me.

"FP, he didn't. I walked right into it."

"Baby girl, I want you to walk out of it. I promised your father I wouldn't let you get dragged into the Southside mess." He told me upset.

"Its too late FP." I told him and he sighed thinking.

"Ghoulies dress like fops, but they're a nasty crew. The Serpents have survived worse, though. Much worse. The only hitch is, it sounds like you're outmanned, which means you gotta avoid bloodshed at all costs."

"I agree. A hundred percent." Archie said as I nodded.

"So, outthink them. This is about territory. If there's one thing Ghoulies love, it's there crazy souped up retro cars and hearses. You catch my Riverdale drift?" We all just looked blankly.

"Challenge them to a street race, one on one. But keep it on the DL. It's illegal. It'll get you locked up." He said quietly.

"Go on." Juggy told him.

"Set the team of the race. Their guy wins, the Serpents roll over."

"But if we win, the Ghoulies back off."

"And maybe you raise the stakes. Whoever wins controls Southside High."

"We get rid of the Ghoulies and get rid of the Jingle Jangle and get McCoy off our back." Juggy said smirking.


Archie, Jughead and I are standing in the Ghoulies headquarters. I have to say its gross and dark and everywhere you look theres the JJ. "Me and my boy, wanna challenge you to a race." Jughead told the leader that's known as Malachi. "If we win... Serpents remain autonomous... and you quit dealing at Southside High."

"And if we win?"

"We fold... and you can continue polluting Southside with your little straws of death."

"So, the mighty Serpent Pronce has some stones, but not much else. So, unless your Highness wants to put some of Daddy's territory on the table, I got no reason to agree to a race." Suddenly the door slammed open and we all looked. Here was Betty and Veronica getting taken towards us.

"They were following me. Tried to get in the garage." I looked at them shocked.


"Betty?" The boys asked at the same time.



"Freya?" The girls said at the same time both saying my name.

"What are you doing here?" We all asked.

"Wait. So these are you bitches?"

"I beg your misogynistic pardon?" V said offended. Tallboy grabbed Jughead pulling him to him about to yell at him, which makes me the one closest to Malachi.

"Why don't you take your skanks and get the hell out of here? Until you make me a better offer, there'll be no race."

"If you win... we'll give you the Whye Wyrm." Jughead walked over to him. "You can expand your drug dealing horizons and upgrade our of this literal hellhole."

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