Chapter 15

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I haven't talked to or seen Sweet Pea since Christmas day. It's not like I'm avoiding him, I just haven't. This morning dad told me that the 86 thousand has been paid off by as an Angel donation and made me take back the money I gave him, which I'm still not happy about.

I'm sat in the student lounge talking with Betty and Kevin about the latest gossip which today is about how Moose and Midge were seen having sex at the Pops parking lot. Kevin went on as I fiddled with my new Serpent necklace. I don't take the necklace or ring off and if I do its cause I'm in the shower. I noticed Archie and Veronica walk in and Archie and I shared awkward contact while Kev looked at me confused.

Suddenly our Principals voice came through over the PA. "Students of Riverdale High, this is your principal, Emails have been sent to your parents, but effective immediately, Southside High School is shut down. Its students will be transferred to other schools in the district," Kevin mouthed the words Oh My God to Betty and I as we sported confused looks. "Including this one. I believe the statement we're releasing will address your concerns."

"Okay guys, let's not overreact." Veronica called out to everyone.

The principal went on, "You should receive it shortly. I'm sure you have many questions. It goes without saying, we are welcoming these students with open minds, hearts and arms. This won't effect course schedules or locker assignments. Thank you. That's is all."

"Wait, what does that mean?" Archie asked us.

"It means Jughead's coming back." Betty answered.

"Thank God. I'm sick of you'r boring asses." I joked.

"Betty, are you ready for that?" Kevin asked.

"Of course. We're fine."

"But why is this happening now?"

"Who knows?" V answered my brother. "It's probably some bizarre, byzantine town ordinance we couldn't possibly understand. In the meantime, let's receive the exiles as if they were our own flesh and blood. Who's in? Hmm?" Veronica asked around.

I stood up with V. "I'm in of course." I smiled at her and Archie scoffed.

"We know why." I could tell people were looking on confused.

I looked to him annoyed with hands on my hips. "If you have something to say, say it." I snapped at him.

"Alright fine. Stay away from them." I rolled my eyes.

"And by them I'm guessing you mean Sweet Pea." At this moment I don't care what people think. "I'm sick of you, Archie, thinking you can control me."

"I'm worried about how he could effect you. You're my sister, I have to worry and make sure you don't do anything stupid."

"We're not even doing anything!" I yelled at him. "We are friends, Archie." He stood not knowing what to say. "Just stay away from me for a bit, Archibald." I used his full name so he knew how serious I am and stormed out of the room, leaving my confused friends behind.



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