Chapter 33

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"Help us!" FP yelled out as he carrie's Fangs through the hospital.

"We need a doctor!" I shouted trying to get someone's attention.

"Ma'am." Jughead said to the nurse at the front desk.

"Wait your turn please." She said calmly.

Jughead went to the desk. "He was shot."

"I need you to step back." She told him and Jughead slammed the desk with his palm.

"He's dying!"

"Hey!" I turned to see a doctor coming towards us. "What's going on here?"

"Our friend was shot right in the stomach." I told him shaking.

"Hey, get me a gurney." Two guys wheeled over one and we three carefully placed Fangs down as he groaned in pain.

They wheeled him away as his fingers slipped from my hand. "Hang in there. Hang in there."

Jughead started to walk off to the exit and FP and I walked after him. "Where do you think you're going?"

"To find the guy who shot Fangs." He told his father.

"Jughead no." I told him as I grabbed his arm pulling him pack to face us.

"You're not going anywhere. Not with people rioting." He started walking again once his dad was finished. "You're angry, you want justice? So do I." FP stood infront of him as I stopped beside him. "But You've got a fallen soldier here, and we need to talk to his family. That's part of being a leader."

"Some leader I am." Juggy looked to the both of us with soft eyes.

"Don't go down that road." FP softly spoke. "Come on. Come on." They walked back to the waiting room while I grabbed my phone.

"Sweet Pea." I sighed out relieved. "Are you okay? Do you know where Toni is?

"No, Reggie shot Fangs!"

"Where are you?"

"Going to the high school. Taking away something of the Northside like they have to us."

"Sweet Pea don-" My phone beeped indicating that he hung up. "Fuck." I rushed out of the building as I called Reggie.

"Yo, this is Mantel. Leave a message or whatever."

The phone beeped and I began to talk. "Reggie, I'm seriously hoping that you didn't get a shot off when Archie tackled you. Call me." I hung up as I walked closer to dad's truck to see some Ghoulies leaning against it. "Shit." My heart sunk.

I spun around to run inside but I came face to face with the curly haired leader, Malachai. He had white and black powder decorating his face, the black around his eyes making him look more meanacing. "Hey, sweet cheeks." He smirked as a black cotton bag was put over my head. I screamed out but someone covered my mouth as some Ghoulies picked me up. I thrashed around with all my might. "Knock her out!" Malachai voice was the last thing I heard before everything went black.


I shot up and looked around to find myself in a shed, only lit by a small light connected to a wooden beam in the centre. "What the hell." Suddenly I remember everything that happened. Malachi kidnapped me. I splitting headache made me groan in pain. I looked around my surroundings to see no windows and only a wooden door. I swiftly stood up, stumbling over to the door feeling light headed. I turned the knob and pushed and pulled but to no avail. I screamed out hoping someone will hear me. "Help!"

"Freya!" I widened my eyes at the voice.


"Are you okay!?"

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