Chapter 35

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This is the second last chapter in this book. It's been a journey for me writing this book, and I hope I can say that like me you've enjoyed it.

Anyway that's it just wanted to tell youse that this book is coming to an end in the next chapter


I got released from hospital the day after Sweet Pea and I talked. Today I'm going back to school, two days after being released, just so I could at least semi get back to normal even though the nightmares don't help.

"What do you mean you're withdrawing from the race?" My brother, Archie asked Reggie and Josie as he sat between Veronica and I. Archie has been an amazing brother the past few days but his incessant need to stay by my side 24/7 is starting to get old and run my patience thin.

"It's clear. Reggie Mantle is not ready to be a leader of men." That's what Reggie and I talked about when he visited me in hospital, since I was and still am avoiding all questions about it.

"And my mum and I had a big talk after the riots, and I am an artist. Not a politician. I need to get back to what I'm best at... music."

"And then there was one."

"Actually, Veronica," I chimed in, "Don't forget about Ethel Muggs, who's running as a third-party candidate." I gave them all a straight smile.

There was a moment of silence until, Reggie spoke up. "Yo Frey." He head nodded to me and I smiled.


"So are you ever going to tell us about how you ended up in hospital?"

I got all ridged and stuffed up as I thought about how and I touch one of the small amount of bruises left from that night, but Archie straightened up, "No she's not Reggie. So back off!" The next thing I knew I was getting practically dragged out of the lounge.


Veronica, Archie and I decided to visit Betty after school. "You should come to school, be with us." Archie told her.

"No. How can I you guys?" She looked at us with glassy eyes.

"You can't carry this weight on your own." I told Betty holding her hand with a small smile.

"Freya's right, Betty."

"My dad killed Midge. He shot Moose. How am I supposed to show my face there again? Do either of you hate him for what he did to your dad?" Betty asked Archie and I, "Because I do. I hate my father." V and I grabbed hold of the teary eyed Betty, hugging her tight.


"Do we have any chance, Mrs McCoy?" I asked as we, and others were in dad's office at his work

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"Do we have any chance, Mrs McCoy?" I asked as we, and others were in dad's office at his work.

"Elections are won and lost in these two days. In my opinion, Fred, your key to victory is the Southside vote. Historically Southsiders don't vote because they fell marginalized. But if you can get them to booths, they'll vote for you, not Hermione."

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