Chapter 20

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"Princess what's going on with you?" I looked up from my shoes to look at Sweet Pea.


"What's wrong with you? What's going on?" I looked around the student lounge to see nobody around since technically classes are on but I'm just on a spare and so is Sweet Pea. I can't believe Jughead and I got involved. It's not Betty's fault that we did but we still did. I mean we pushed a fucking car into a lake. "See here we go again."

I looked back up to him. "I'm sorry Sweetums I just have alot on my mind."

"You know you can talk to me right?"

" I know I ca-" I got cut of by my phone ringing to which I quickly answered without looking st the I.D.

"Freya." I heard the cherry voice of Alice Cooper.

"Alice?" I looked at Sweetums confused. "Is everything okay?"

"Of course. Why would anything be wrong?" She said it all a little too fast.

"No reason... you just... we never really call or talk."

"Well I thought it probably time to change that. You are my Goddaughter after all."

"I guess you're right." I spoke still slightly confused.

"Well I was wondering if you would like to come to dinner tonight?" My eyes widened.

"Wha- what? Tonight?"

"Yeah, I thought it would be a start on us. Is tonight a problem?"

"Ah, no, no. Tonight sounds great."

"Great." I heard her chirpy voice say. "I'll see you tonight at 7."

"Ok. I'll see you then." I hung up and looked to Sweet Pea everything still trying to running through my mind.

"What is it?"

"My uh, my godmother, she ah, she invited me to dinner."


"So, that's weird for us. We never really got along that well."

"Well maybe she's trying to mend it?" He suggested to me.



Dinner was great. Alice and I got along really well and it was perfect. Right now I'm helping to do the dishes by wiping up as B washed and Alice watched. "Dad was here. He was pissed off and asking questions." Betty said as she took of the washing gloves.

"I'm just gonna chime in for a second. Hal is a fucking asshole."

"Language." Mama Cooper scolded me while I shrugged and continued wiping.

"But don't worry. He won't be back. Mum, we're in way over our heads here."

"Betty not right now. We have a guest in the house."

"I know all about it Alice." I looked up at her putting down the cloth.

"You told her?"

"She had to."

"The shady man's car was parked outside out house for two days."


"It's okay. Jughead, Freya and I took care of it."

"You not only told Freya but you told Jughead?"

"Yes. I keep thinking about that body and who might come looking for it, and how many loose ends are out there we're not even thinking about. We need help, mum."

"We can't go to the police. I can't.  I'm sorry, I just can't."

"Betty's not talking about the cops, Alice."

20 minutes later we are parked infrint of FP and Jughead's trailer. We all got out of Alice's Wagon and shut the doors. I looked over at Sweet Pea's trailer to see him, Fangs and Toni walking out of the trailer. He looked over and saw me with a slight smile. I gave him a worried smile back and I saw that he was about to call out to me.

"Freya, come on." I didn't notice Alice and Betty already walking over to the trailer. I gave Sweetums a last glance and raced over to Alice as she knocked on the door. The door opened as quickly as she knocked and there stood FP and Juggy leaning against a wall. "FP-"

"Save it. Jughead just told me. All of it. I'm not going to let the four of you make the same mistake I made with Jason Blossom. Come on in." We walked into the trailer and he shut the door with a glance outside.


"Freya you go with Jughead, Betty and Alice to Pop's." He motioned to where the three of them are waiting by the car.

"No." I crossed my hands over my chest.

"Freya now is not the time to argue."

"I don't care. I'm coming with you. I'm going to help."

"Baby girl I'm not playing with you." He groaned out annoyed as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"I'm not either FP. I'm coming with and that's final. I'm going to help." He knew how stubborn I am and sighed out.

"Fine." We walked over to his bike and he passed me a helmet as he sat down putting his on and I sat behind him wrapping my arms around his torso as he revved his engine.


"Help me drag it in." I nodded my head as FP gasped out the words tired since he dig a grave all by himself since he didn't want me to do it. I jumped in and grabbed a side of the tarp the body is on and we dragged it in.

I crawled out of the hole and grabbed the Sodium bag. "Here." He grabbed the bag and I watched as he poured the stuff all over the corpse. He covered it up more with the tarp and hopped out. I saw him looking down at the body. "Are you okay FP? Do you want me to do it?"

"No. I don't want you doing anymore than what you have to." He grabbed the shovel and started to fill up the grave as I shone the light so he could see.


FP and I got off his bike and we took of the helmets. "Freya?" I looked up at the man I see as a second father.


"Thank you." I gave him a small smile and wrapped my arms around him as he did the same placing his head ontop of mine and kissed the top of it. This is going to take a toll on all of us.

We slowly pulled away and we walked upto Pop's. We walked into the door and I saw Alice, Betty and Jughead all at a booth looking up at us. We walked over and I sat next to Juggy as FP sat next to Alice. "It's done." FP said quietly.

"Jeez. Dad, Freya, you reek."

"It's the sodium hydroxide." I stated.

"In a week, there'll be nothing left. Not even his teeth."

"Thank you FP, and I'm sorry for involving Betty, and that she pulled Jughead and Freya, our Goddaughter the person we are supposed to take care of, into this." Alice wept as FP grabed her hand

"We take care of our own. The circle ends here. No more loose ends." We all nodded solemnly.

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