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"You know...I don't think this is working."

You looks around with the corner of your eyes, seeing countless pairs of angry and confused eyes glaring back at you. In fact, even without having to look, you can feel the intensity on your back.

Oh're like a worm that's being hunted by a brood of jealous chickens.

Jungkook however is oblivious to the wrath of his fangirls, or maybe he doesn't care.

He's sitting opposite you in the cafeteria instead of his pack of hockey mates like he usually does.

The hockey boys - the popular boys in the school, also the play boys, with Jungkook being the team captain; and with their captain suddenly sitting with some random girl, holding her hand, and hell, they're darn confused.

The look on their faces is epic.

"Can you let go of my hand now? Your hockey mates look like they're plotting on how to dice me to pieces with their hockey sticks. "

"Nah, my boys are chill," Jungkook smirks as he gives one of them a nod in acknowledgment. The boy nods back, but with a bewildered frown before he goes back to exchanging confused whispers with the rest of the team.

Jungkook turns back to you relaxedly and points at your tray with his free hand.

"Feed me that," he instructs, pointing to a meatball.

"I'm not your maid. Feed yourself," you spit, trying to pull your clammy hand out of his.

"Stop doing that," Jungkook scolds quietly, but outwardly giving you a fake smile. He re-adjusts his grip, tightening his hold on your hand. "Just feed me."

"You have two hands for a reason, stupid! And let go of my hand, it's hot," you whine.

"Hot? Why? Is it because holding hands with one of the hottest boys in school makes you shy?"

"You really got no shame," you shake your head, giving Jungkook a pointed look. He looks at you smugly, and you wish you had a rag to wipe it off.

"I know." Why the heck is he looking proud of himself? "I can't help it you know. Lying is bad."

"Really? Then why are you lying to yourself?" You cock an eyebrow at him, a small smirk appearing on your lips when you see the frown on his face.

Hah, have a taste of that, you little arrogant narcissistic jerk.

"Stop being mean."

"Stop being shameless."

You look at him smugly, while Jungkook just pouts - you almost do a double take when you see it.

Jungkook the high and mighty hockey captain, despite his muscly and manly exterior, his actually just a small boy who pouts when he loses.

Okay, you have to admit, that's pretty cute.

"Aw, is my little bunny upset?" you tease, cooing as you pat his head lightly.

He shoots your daggers with his eyes at he nickname, but you giggle and remind him quickly.

"Don't look at me like that bunny, you're the one who asked me call you that, " you draw imginary quoatation marks in the air, "for "added realism" to this pretend couple thing. And fix your expression, people are watching."

He mutters incoherently under his breath, probably cursing, before pulling out the best fake smile he has. You can't help but laugh. Hell yeah, being the dominant one feels good.

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