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He's mad at you.

"Jungkook, will you freaking look at me for a sec-"

"Why should I, at your ugly face?"

Yep, he's definitely mad at you. 

"Dick," you grumble soundlessly as you sigh deeply, absolutely frustrated. He's been behaving cold and mean to you for the past few days, not telling you what's wrong even when you ask. It's like he's doing this on purpose to get your attention and on your nerves, because he'd interrupt with a ridiculously loud sigh or just mess around with whatever's on the table and make noises to interrupt you. 

You're almost at your limit. 

"Kookie," you start, struggling to keep your tone calm and gentle as you reach over the cafeteria table to put your hand over his. He doesn't react, but he doesn't shrug your hand off either. That's probably a sign to continue, so you do. "I won't know what's bothering you if you don't talk to me. I'll be all ears when you're ready to talk, okay?"

Silence ensues as your sentence drifts unanswered between you two, the buzz of the school cafeteria filling the empty air. You can sense the glances from around, and it's weird without Jimin and Namjoon around today. They left sensing Jungkook's mood— or rather after Jungkook indirectly chased them away with his in-your-face hints like telling them not to sit with you two—but he continued ignoring you even after. 

You're confused. What the hell did you do wrong to deserve this treatment? He's been acting all weird ever since the mystery phone call that day in the park, but whenever you ask what's wrong, he either just shrugs it off or ignores you. 

Like what the heck is up with that. 

It's thoroughly frustrating and you want to slap him in the face, kidnap him and make him talk. But no y/n. You're a civilized, cultured, sophisticated human being. 

"I'll go get food first," you notify him when he still doesn't say anything, but he holds your hand as you stand up. It startles you a bit, but you're inwardly eager for him to open up to you again. Looking at him expectantly, you watch Jungkook who finally faces you. His eyes are dimmed, carrying with them hints of the burden of untold secrets; Whatever they may be they can't be good, and it makes you slightly nervous. 

"Let's go to a quieter place," he tells you. His voice is unusually serious, making you gulp. 


Standing, Jungkook doesn't let go of your hand as he leads you out of the prying eyes of the busy cafeteria. You walk behind him, eyeing his broad back as he leads you up a few flights of stairs, towards the same music room where he first proposed the whole makeshift girlfriend saga. Ah, memories. 

Opening the door he lets you in first before closing it behind him, and you toddle forward, not really knowing what to do. 


The tone of your name being called commanded you to turn around. When you did, you couldn't help but feel your stomach flipping seeing the expression on his face— he looks...torn. In the privacy of these four walls, Jungkook's facade fades, leaving behind weariness and stress that you didn't notice much previously.

"Did something happen, kook?"

"It's.." His voice drifts, the uncertainty and hesitation visible on his face.  "It's my brother."

"Your brother," you repeat blankly, blinking at him. Jungkook gives you a wry smile, nodding as he shoves his hands into his pants. 

"Yup," he sighs deeply. "He's back in Korea."

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