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Well now..this is kinda awkward.

"Um, okay, I accept your apology."

The girl's eyes brighten up, her previously twitching hands now clasped together in hope. What's gotten into her suddenly? You were pretty sure she hated you up till just a few hours ago, but she suddenly came forward to apologise just as you walked out of the first aid tent.

"Really?! Thank you so much, you're so nice," she gushes, and you flash a half-smile at her, feeling absolutely weirded out by her 180 degree change but trying not to show it. "Then, since I've apologised and you've accepted it..tell Jungkook to keep his promise, okay?"

You raise a brow. Promise? What promise?

A ton of questions suddenly surround you, but you're left alone as she zips away immediately before you can even ask her about it. 

Jungkook made her a promise? That sounds suspicious. 

"Strange.." you mumble under your breath as you walk back towards the main camp site, deep in thought, trying to play detective and make guesses but to no avail. You'll just have to ask Jungkook himself, why he's so casually going around making promises with others. That guy, seriously. 


"Hmm..oh! Jimin!"

The sight of his chirpy smile perks you up instantly, and watching him jog over to you with that puppy smile made your lips involuntarily twitch upwards as well. Jimin carefully picks up your bandaged hand with a small pout, and it looks so adorable your heart squeezes. Gah, you just want to squeeze his cheeks.  

"How's your injury? Does it hurt very bad? Want me to blow on it?"

His bombarding of questions the moment he reaches you pulls a chuckle out as you nod slowly, actually considering, "Hmm, I guess why not."

Jimin laughs before he lifts your hand up to his lips, and like he's blowing on a dandelion, his breath tickles your fingertips lightly. It makes you giggle, and his smile widens in response. 



The both of you laugh again, and he lightly ruffles your hair making you squirm away in protest. 

"Hey, want me to show you a nice place?"

"Nice place? Where?"

The curiosity can be heard in your voice, and Jimin smiles proudly, motioning you along with his hand. "Follow me," he beckons, and you do, trotting behind him obediently. 

Glancing around first just in case, Jimin brings you further away from the camp site, towards a slim, long path that seems to lead to nowhere. The path is lined with small flowers and weeds, untamed but beautiful in its own way, and the view is made prettier with the orange-pink sunset lining the sky like a painting. 

"It's pretty.." you mumble, the sight bringing a sense of tranquility that makes you sigh in satisfaction.  

"They sky's pretty..but you're prettier," Jimin compliments and you turn to gape at him, unable to contain your surprise. Your reaction makes Jimin clear his throat in embarrassment and look straight ahead, a light tint of red blooming on his cheeks.

"No, but Jimin-ssi...isn't that too cliche?"

"I know!" he defends slightly agitated, rubbing his nape awkwardly. "But I've never said it to anyone I just wanted to try it once."

Seeing his innocent and honest side, a bubble of laughter springs from your lips although you initially wanted to suppress it. Jimin turns to you in horror, with cheeks a darker shade of red, as he speaks with a pout that only makes you laugh even more.

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