8: A little brave.

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I let out an audible breath when I was convinced he was nowhere in sight.

That was really close.

My phone was held tightly in my hand as I kept it on my chest, trying to calm my erratically beating heart. My phone pinged suddenly indicating a text. A low yelp of surprise escaped pass my lips at the sudden sound.

I opened the text I received from Sandra which made me panic internally.

I lost sight of him.

Before I could send a reply to her text, my phone pinged again.

It was Lenny. I opened her message, my eyes scanning the words on the text. As soon as I understand what was happening, I felt my soul leaving my body.

It wasn't long before her message was turned into a reality when I felt someone's presence behind me.

I saw him walking where you're hiding right now. RUN!

"Boooohhh..." It was a soft whisper in my ear but it had me getting goosebumps all over my body. A chill ran down my spine, my back stiffening.

Jayden freaking King found me.

All my efforts were a waste and so were my friends. I was able to dodge Jayden since morning and success was so close to be in my grasp but things don't usually go my way and here he was, behind me.

I held the phone close to my chest and turned around slowly.

No use in hiding when you're already caught but it's never too late to put on your best oblivious act.

My actor shades were on at the sight of a pleased looking Jayden.

"Hi Jayden." I said as nicely as I could and even pulled my lips upward to form a friendly smile.

Jayden's brow raised at my words, perhaps he was surprised I was talking with him nicely or because i called him by his name and not jerk. But whatever it was, he didn't look convince by my act and I wasn't backing either.

"It's so nice to see you here. Who would have thought we'd meet here, like this?" I paused and let out a laugh trying to make myself sound convincing yet he still didn't look convince. "Anyway, see you later." I didn't let my expression falter nor did I show him my true intentions as I turned around swiftly.

I took a step and then another, a relief smile stretching on my lips.

Stupid Jayd-

"Stop right there."

My legs instantly froze at his words which was a mistake on my part, I should have ran when I had the chance.

I heard Jayden's approaching footsteps which stopped just a few steps behind me. Closing my eyes tightly I felt myself growing tense at his close proximity.

Reminding myself what I need to do, I dispersed all other thoughts from my mind. Plastering a smile on my face, I faced Jayden. "Yes, do you need anything?" I tried to sound sweet and helpful.

"Drop the act, Music." Jayden had his eyes narrowed on me.

"What act?" I let out a chuckle trying to find the humour in the situation so that he'd let me go.

"You're not a very good liar." An amused smile spread on Jayden's lips.

I was caught...again but it wasn't my nature to give up so I kept my act up. "Liar? What are you talking about Jayden?" I looked away from his scrutinizing gaze which felt like they were boring into my soul.

His Slave | #3 ✔Where stories live. Discover now