21: Hero.

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My Tuesday morning started with a shocking yet surprising news of Aunt's job.
We learned that she got the position of his assistant personal secretary.

She was the assistant of a very famous footballer who she didn't even know existed until he literally bumped into her. And to top it of, she doesn't even know the a of football.

When Harper asked her how she'd adjust with her new workplace and job, she brushed it off rather nonchalantly saying and I quote 'google knows everything'.

She had her hopes on the google to save her and her job.

Whatever it was, we supported and encouraged her, even congratulated on her new job.
In short, we were happy with her job because well, who doesn't wish to be a secretary- assistant or not, of a very hot footballer, everyone except my aunt of course.

In addition, my morning didn't only started with aunt's news but also with the realization that dawned on me after I head back to my room to grab my phone which was still plugged in- charging from last night, only to learn I didn't click the switch on.

My phone which was on seven percent last night, was on five percent when I checked it in the morning. Despite the low battery, I stuffed it in my backpack and rushed for school

After dropping Harper off at her school, I drove towards the direction of my school. Upon reaching my destination, I parked in between Sandra's and Lenny's car. They were standing by Sandra's car.

Getting out of my car, I saw Jayden's car parked a couple of cars away from mine. His car standing out amongst the other cars. Near his car, the other cars looked like third grade cars.

Despite being beautiful, the car- it was the source of my misery. The phrase 'Looks can be deceiving' fitted his car perfectly.

"Morning Melo." Sandra and Lenny hugged me one after the other.

"Morning." I greeted them back returning their hug. There was still ten minutes on the clock for the first class to start.

We indulged ourselves with mindless talks. "When are we getting back our physics assignment?!" Lenny exclaimed, huffing in annoyance.

The assignment as submitted to Mr. Jo two months back. After evaluation, we got back almost all of our assignments back except Mr. Jo's. Maybe he was deliberately postponing the date for returning back the assignments because it wasn't mark based but the topic was important for our finals, and this was all the enough reason for him to hand OK assignments back.

"Probably never." Sandra answered.

"But we need it for our finals." Lenny said exasperatedly.

"No one asks for it, so Mr. Jo probably wouldn't return it." I added.

"Then i will ask for it." Lenny sounded confident and determined.

When it came to exams and notes, she'd do anything for it, anything.

"All the best." Sandra patted her shoulder encouragingly. Lenny nodding to herself, her hands formed in a fist and he kept it under her chin.

"Pst, Pst..." Sandra made a sound lowly to get my attention.

Lenny and I both held a confused look as we stared her in question. She leaned closer and pointed at me. "Someone is looking at you."

"Who?" I asked pulling back slightly, ready to turn around.

Sandra hissed and grabbed my hand, making me look back at her.

"Oh, oh, he's definitely watching her." Lenny said with wide eyes looking over my shoulders.

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