11: Work.

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My eyes burnt holes on my phone screen which was ringing and flashing with the name I have come to slowly hate.


I heard Jayden yell from his room which was across mine. I picked my phone and got off from the bed. My teeth gritting in anger and sudden urge to wet my hands in someone's blood, someone with hazel eyes.

I drew my window curtains forcefully, a little bit too forceful than necessary. I found the devil himself standing by his window looking into my room.

Jayden had a muscle tank top on, leaving his arms bare. It was very distracting and i had to remind myself how much I despised the guy to not drool over his arms.

His eyes narrowed at me and i snapped. "WHAT?"

With his phone in his ear, he rolled his eyes. He waved his phone before his face, showing it to it. "When your phone rings, you answer it." He said slowly, his tone reprimanding yet taunting.

My anger flared. With crossed arms, i glared at him. "You can say it to my face." Just to show my defiance, I held my phone in the air, the screen towards him and ignored his call.

Rolling his eyes, he muttered something under his breath. "What are you murmuring?" Annoyed, i asked.

"This always works." He flailed his arms in the air, looking adorable for a minute.

I quickly dismissed any such unwanted thoughts and asked the obvious. "Works where?"

"In movies. The guy calls the girl and they talk looking at each other through the window." He was nodding as he told me about whatever movie he had watched the crap from.

Unable to stop myself, i let out a disbelief snort. Jayden can be childish at times and it wasn't the first time he tried something from the movie. "That's Bs."

"Hey, it works on girls..." Jayden sounded offended. His forehead creased, a frown on his face. There was a visible shift in his mood, making me feel slightly bad for denting his efforts.

With a sigh, I opened my mouth say something that'd make him feel a little better and make me feel a little better but he beat me to it.

"Unless you're not a girl." Jayden's tone was accusing, his gaze scrutinizing, roaming all over my body as much as he could see from the window.

Instinctively I pulled back. Confusion didn't last long and soon anger once again coursed through me. "Then what am I?"

Jayden's eyes widen slightly before he rubbed the back of his head. He seemed to be contemplating what to say.

I didn't think it was so hard to answer. My question was simple. He never did change. He was still capable of hurting me with or without his words. His silence was an answer in itself.

I had accepted the fact that he'd never ever feel anything for me and perhaps still thought of me as the ugly girl next door who he could kill his time with. But he wasn't making the situation any less hurtful than it already was.

The more I spent time with him, I more I feel for him. His actions and words contradict with each other and gives me a whiplash. I wasn't able to distinguished which one's an illusion and which was real.

I could never understand Jayden. His words were simple yet it wasn't at the same time. He says something but means another thing. He loved to play with words.

When it came to Jayden, my thoughts were jumbled and everything turns complex.

"I guess, you're different."

His Slave | #3 ✔Where stories live. Discover now