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In this chapter words or phrases in italics are ballet terms. I am a ballet dancer, so sometimes I may forget to describe them in a way that makes sense. The video that inspired me is attached above if you want to watch it or Google Black Swan (it's a gorgeous dance!)
And if you want a quick lesson in ballet-speak (aka French) I use this website to spell the terms, it gives you definitions too.
This will be the only chapter like this so don't worry!
Enjoy! ❤️😘

"See these people lie and I don't know who to believe anymore."
-Birdy; Just a Game


I was led into our dance studio. I had my pointe shoes strung over my shoulder, since I had to take them off for the first two parts of Doctor Zola's assessments. I still had my black leotard on but I had switched my skirt out for black leggings. Before lacing up my shoes I strung a black skirt around my waist and set the leggings to one side. Luckily my hair was still in a bun. With a nod to Madame B, I sat down on the hardwood floor to put my shoes on. As fast as I could, I tied the ribbons. Standing up I gave another nod to Madame B to signal I was ready.
The familiar music began to play and I was instantly lost in my own world. I became Odile, the Black Swan. I had a mischievous smile on my face and my movements were powerful and strong, which is opposite of the way you dance Odette's role as the White Swan. On cue when the tempo changed, indicating the Prince's solo was over I brisé onto the floor. Every few eight counts I would stop and plié in a fifth position then extend my left leg back in an attitude. I repeated the sequence over again till I was in the middle of the floor. I heard the next tempo change again and was ready for it. This was my favorite part of the whole dance! I prepared in fourth position, then went into four perfect pirouette turns. Before finishing the turns I extended my left leg in an attitude, squeezing my abs tight I stopped mid-turn, still on pointe and with one leg back in attitude, then I dropped down to a flat foot and straightened my leg out into an arabesque. I brought my leg down through a passé and closed in a tight fifth position. Then using my left leg as my supporting leg this time, my right leg went up through the positions of coupé and passé then up to a fully extended right battement and closed in fifth. The whole time my arms were perfect, my head was automatically whipping itself around in a technique we call spotting. My feet were pointed, and I was in character. I didn't think about the pain. I didn't feel. I just danced.
I prepared to do it all over again. I repeat this sequence twice before moving on. I was almost finished and that saddened me. This was always my favorite piece to do. I did another combo of attitude turns leading into an arabesque. After the arabesque I took a few steps backward and then repeated the combo. After I had repeated the combo three times I was positioned in the floors right's upmost corner. With a flourish of the arms I went into my final combo.
I was up on both feet turning while making the biggest circle possible around the floor to optimize space. My muscle memory had taken over long before now, but my brain still liked to call out what was coming next.
'Six piqué turns, five chaîné turns, back to piqués! Now eight chaîné turns; almost done! Grand finale time! Two piqué en dehors and ending pose.
I was still grinning when I had finished. I was barely out of breath and unlike the dancers just starting pointe, my feet did not hurt. They were probably a bloody mess, but I felt no pain. Madame B was looking at me with pride in her eyes. She knew I was her best student in ballet, and that recognition made me feel proud of myself.
My hair was almost out of my bun so I went ahead and took it down. It was flame red and very curly and untamed, unlike Natalia's straight hair. Also unlike my sister, I didn't have bangs. My hair was all one length and it was long. Other than our hair, there were no other significant differences in Natalia and I's appearance. We both had green eyes and pale skin.

"Well done Vera!" Madame B was eager to compliment me so I smiled proudly and thanked her. "Miss Romanov, you may wait in the your room. We suggest you pack your things. I estimate you will be gone only a few days." Doctor Zola said, looking eager to get out of here and begin experimenting.
I nodded and left the ballet studio, my pointe shoes making clunking noises as I climbed the stairs.


I stuffed many things into the suitcase I had been provided with. Mostly practical things such as clothes, soap, a toothbrush, and my hairbrush. But after much thought I also put my only book in too. "The Hobbit" had been given to me by Madame B on my eleventh birthday. Natasha had also received a book, it being her birthday too, however I found her's less interesting. It was called "Gone With the Wind". I shut my suitcase still thinking about why Scarlet was so lovesick for Ashley in the first place. Love is for children and for the weak. And I am neither a child nor weak.

"Is it just a game?
I don't know."

Too many unexplainable dance moves. If you desire an explanation try the link at the top!

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Edited April 30, 2019

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