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"Rather be the hunter than the prey, and you're standing on the edge face up."
-Imagine Dragons; Natural


"Fire now!" Steve yelled into his com. I just now noticed that my com had been missing for a while now. SHIELD began to shoot at the Helicarriers not long after Steve had locked the chip in. Most of the shots had been harmless or missed altogether, but I knew we had to get out of here before we were trapped.
"Do it now!" I heard Steve yell just before an explosion sounded. The railing I had been leaning against gave out, as did part of the catwalk. I was sent tumbling down to the lower lever. A shard of broken glass somehow ended up impaling my leg. I think I screamed. To my right I could see James who was stuck under a metal beam. He was struggling to move. I heard a thud and assumed it was Steve jumping from the upper level. Not that I was surprised, since I was probably pretty much dead anyway, but he went straight to James. He lifted the beam up high enough for James to crawl out. Then time stood still. Steve made yet another riveting speech, except this time it wasn't about freedom. He was trying to get James to remember. It obviously didn't work because he was currently getting punched in the face. Repeatedly. Then James stopped. I was too far away to hear if Steve had said something or not, but he looked like a deer in the headlights. For a millisecond I thought maybe it would all be okay. Maybe he remembered. Maybe we would survive this.
Then, a metal pillar crashed down sending Steve falling into the Potomac River. Around me more pieces of metal and machinery were falling. I was holding onto a railing to keep from falling into the river. The next thing I knew James was picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder. I was about to protest but then he jumped off the Helicarrier.
"Just because Steve jumped doesn't mean you have to!" I yelled as we fell. He did not find me humorous. The water felt cold when we hit it. He let go of me and I desperately tried to stay afloat. Less than thirty seconds later James emerged with Steve in tow. He put me back over his shoulder and proceeded to drag Steve by his suit. He reminded me of a disappointed father dragging his son away from a fight or something. I wondered if he had done this before. He dropped Steve on the gravel first then set me down by him.
"Do you remember me?" I asked desperate to know.
"No." He told me, his voice cold. In that moment I felt all my physical pain disappear because it was overtaken by the mental anguish. I could only watch as he checked on Steve before he walked away. With a glass shard sticking out of my leg I couldn't follow even if I wanted to. When I could no longer see him I felt a hot tear slip down my check. I was about to cry more but Steve coughing brought me out of my trance. I crawled over to where he was laying and grabbed his com. I said a quick prayer that it didn't get any water or fist damage and turned it on.
"Can anybody hear me? It's Vera. Steve and I are on the other side of the river and need medical attention as soon as possible!"
"Okay, someone's on their way, stay put." Someone said.
Like we really have a choice.


It had been two days since we brought down the Helicarriers and while I was almost fully healed, Steve still hadn't woken up. I had just been cleared from the hospital and was gathering my things. My leg was still sore but I felt fine. Almost everything I had was given to me at the hospital or by Natalia. I still in front of the elevators with a mere grocery store bag full of things and Sam came up to me.
"He's awake."
I nodded.
"He said if you're interested in a job to see him."
"I'm not." I replied curtly before I got on the elevator.
"But tell him to have a nice life. I probably won't see him or you again." I added before the doors closed.
"Well that was rude." A voice behind me remarked. I groaned.
"What are you doing Natalia?" I asked, rolling my eyes.
"It's Natasha actually. And a better question would be 'what am I doing for you?'"
I raised an eyebrow, "Do enlighten me."
"You've got no money, no house, no job. You need help, Vera whether you'll admit it or not." She did have valid points. I didn't know much about the world I was stepping into.
"I have an apartment here. It's completely paid off so there's no rent to worry about. And with everything I just released to the public, I have a feeling D.C. will be a little too skittish right now for someone like me. I already packed up." I gave her a skeptical look.
"I was originally planning to let Steve have the place since it's much nicer than his apartment in Brooklyn, but you should have it."
I mulled it over in my mind for a minute. It's true I didn't have anywhere to go or any money.
"Okay. Thank you Natasha." I replied. She grinned.
"I'll drive you there so you can see where it's at."


The apartment felt huge to me. I was used to living in a hotel room it definitely felt like a mansion to me. Natasha left most of her furniture since it was too big to be packed in a suitcase anyway. There was a bedroom with a beautiful mahogany wood bed and a maroon comforter. There was a side table with a lamp and clock on it and wood bookshelf. To accent the room there was a maroon throw rug and curtains. "Nat how did you get all these nice things?" I exclaimed.
"I'm kind of coworkers with a billionaire. Ever heard of Tony Stark?" I shook my head.
"It doesn't matter. He has money coming out his ears. I helped him with an issue and he likes to help his friends in return." She shrugged her shoulders as if it was no big deal. "Listen I have to go, but I left something for you." She motioned to an envelope of cash and a flyer for ballet auditions. "Have fun in the world, V."
I skipped dinner that night and went straight to bed. The next day I went shopping. I bought practical things such as food, soap, a hairbrush, and clothes. But I also bought a leotard, tights, and pointe shoes. Later that day, I visited the Washington Ballet where I applied for a role in Swan Lake. The tryout process was vigorous, but worth it. At the end I was pulled aside.
"What is your name?" One of the judges asked me.
"Vera Romanoff." I replied.
"Your dancing is so captivating and beautiful.
We would like to offer you a role as a principal dancer in our company and the opportunity to play Odette in our upcoming performance."
"Thank you. It would be an honor to play Odette." I replied, excited to do something other than killing for a while.
"Perfect! How long do you estimate you will need to memorize choreography? We can arrange private rehearsals."
"I already know the standard Odette choreography, so a week at most." I honestly didn't even think it would take me that long. Madame B used to require us to learn choreography in a day and punish girls who couldn't pick it up fast enough.
"If that is true you will become in demand with the larger, traveling companies in no time."

"Natural. A beating heart of stone, you gotta be so cold to make it in this world."

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