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"All that we've amassed, sits before us, shattered into ash. These are the things we lost in the fire, fire, fire."
-Bastille; Things We Lost in the Fire

(3rd Person)

Over fifty years had passed since James and Vera had traveled to America on a mission to kill the President and much had changed. The older heads of Hydra had either died or retired and their presence in SHEILD was larger. Over the many years the ways that Hydra used their "Assets" varied, but by the 90's a set routine was developed.
The Black Widow was sent on most missions alone, as it was easier for her to seduce and kill that way. She had a very high success rate. However, every once in a while Hydra sent the Winter Soldier instead. These occasions were rare and typically only happened if there was a high level target that needed to be assassinated quickly. Very rarely did the two work together anymore.
And so, it was in this way that another two decades passed. By 2014 SHIELD and Captain America had become a bigger problem So, Hydra finally decided to come out of the shadows by killing Nick Fury.



The cold was the first thing I felt when I woke up. After was the pain. My head was pounding and my left arm felt like it was on fire. I slowly pulled myself upright and looked around. I had just been taken out of stasis and then put through surgery it seemed. I fingered my arm where the pain was and felt thread. Looking down, I saw ten neat stitches. MY head shot up and looked at the medical tray. Lying on a white cloth that was soaked with blood was a bullet. I'd been shot. It must've happened on my last assignment and they were just now fixing me. I wonder if I failed and this was supposed to be punishment. Before I could try to remember anything about my last mission Alexander Pierce and his guard dog Agent Rumlow came in. I hated them both but Pierce always got on my nerves. If ever given the chance I would like to shoot him right in between the eyeballs so he'd die permanently cross-eyed.
"Widow, this is your target. I want confirmed elimination in twelve hours."
"Do not fail us again." He added ominously before he walked out. Agent Rumlow had dropped my suit off so I quickly untied the hospital gown and began to put it on. I zipped the suit up and attached my gold chain belt with the red hourglass symbol. Then, I put on my metal gauntlets that could shock, stun, or electrocute. I finally threw my curly red hair up in a pony tail. When I looked in the mirror, I became instantly sad. It was my hair. James always said it was the color of autumn and that I was fall to his winter. It made my heart ache for him. I miss our talks and our trust. Trust is something I don't have anymore and I'm not sure if I'll ever have again.


Ten hours later and a bag full of guns and a grenade launcher was stowed away in the plane. The flight to America was long, but I managed to sleep through most of it. When I landed my first instinct was to scope everything out, but instead I just grabbed my duffel and took a taxi to a nearby hotel.

Unfortunately for me the hotel was super nice. This was unfortunate because it makes leaving all the harder. If I'm being honest anywhere with a mattress and running water would be considered nice by now though, so my standards aren't too high. When I checked in it was almost midnight and by the time I was done taking an extremely prolonged shower that included washing my hair twice, it was two in the morning. Although I wanted nothing more than to sink down into the bed and sleep, there was work to be done. In my duffel there was a type of computer that was specially coded so no one can track it or lock onto it. I logged onto an encrypted chat that was with the leader of a team of Hydra agents who were in the area. They were posing as policemen and were supposed to alert me the minute Nick Fury gets suspicious of Project Insight.

Target is expected to be headed your way tomorrow. Police will intercept and try for the kill. You're back-up.

I will wait for police interception. They can have the first go at him, however leave the killing to me.

And with that done, I laid back on the bed and fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up at exactly five-thirty. I checked the computer, but with no new messages from my contact I turned off the computer and turned the television on. Hours later my computer finally lit up with a message from Hydra.

Fury will be headed your way soon. Plan to intercept at Roosevelt Bridge.

Wasting no time, I grabbed the grenade launcher and a secured my weapons.


I was waiting at an intersection, just behind a crosswalk when I saw two "police" cars get rammed by a yellow truck. Next came a black car that was covered with bullet holes a missing front window. I raised the grenade launcher and fired. It latched onto the underbelly of the car. Seconds later the car erupted into flames and was sent flying in the air. I took a casual step out of the way as the car landed upside down. It continued to move upside down from the force of the explosion. Sparks were flying from the metal's contact with the pavement. When the car finally stopped moving I walked toward it. I needed to confirm Fury's death. If he hadn't died in the crash then I have to put a round of bullets into his head. When I get to the car I grab the door and pull it off. Inside the car there was only a hole that went through the roof. A hole the Fury obviously climbed out of.
"Damn." I whispered just before my phone rang. Only one person ever called me.
"Mission report." Pierce sounded annoyed already.
"He got away." I replied. There was silence on the other end.
"You failed. You know what this means? The Winter Soldier will clean up your mess."

(3rd Person)
And so this is how a saying was formed amongst Hydra and the Red Room. For every time Black Widow fails, the Winter Soldier is sent after her. They would whisper to each other, "If Fall ends, Winter is coming."

"I was the match and you were the rock, maybe we started this fire."

Who found the Harry Potter reference?

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