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"If I ever- oh so help me when I meet that idiot I'll-"

"What's got his pants in a twist?" Hyunjin said, giving a questioning look to the upset boy seemingly procrastinating by the staircase.

He had just walked in to Seungmins house and the first sight is Minho tragically clinging to the banister of the stair case while Seungmin sat with a magazine in nearby.

Seungmin looked up from his magazine and sighed, "he finally understood his soulmark."

Now it was hyunjin's turn to overreact, "no way! You found out who Dumbledore is? Is he okay? Is he dead?"

Ever since Hyunjin had met Minho all the way back in pre-school the fact that Minho had someone's death written on his wrist was intriguing. He remembered spending hours as children searching for this poor man called Dumbledore to make sure he would avoid his death. He'd even join Minho to church just to make sure he was also sending out a prayer for Dumbledores health.

So Hyunjin expected to see Minho overjoyed to know who Dumbledore was, instead however he met eyes with a completely furious looking boy.

"You idiot! Dumbledore is a wizard!"

Hyunjin froze, then he hesitantly let go of the boys shoulders, and slowly he walked backwards to stand beside the bored and already sitting Seungmin, "hey Minnie...I think he's gone insane."

"He's not lying, Dumbledore really is a wizard." Seungmin replied not looking up from his magazine.

Hyunjin looked at Minho, who still looked upset, and then at Seungmin, who still looked bored, then back to Minho.

"For god sake Minho you broke my soulmate, he's gone insane as well!" He said frustratedly, ruffling Seungmins hair exaggeratedly.

Minho turned a shade redder in anger, "I'm not lying! You know that Harry Potter movie?"

It took a few seconds to understand what Minho was shouting about before Hyunjin understood, "that new magical movie? You guys went to watch it without me!?" He said gasping dramatically, giving Seungmin a playful side eye.

"Well tough, not our fault you had football! But anyways, it's him! Dumbledore is in that movie! He dies Hyunjin. He dies."

Hyunjin turned his head slightly and gave Seungmin a worried look, "Dumbledore is a character in this movie?"

Seungmin nodded with so much unintrest he wasn't sure if it was even answering his question, however from the sudden cry similar to walrus coming from Minho's mouth he assumed so.

The boy was still confused however, as to why Minho was so upset over his soulmark spoiling the end to a movie which probably didn't even exist yet, after all it didn't seem like this Dumbledore character had died yet.


Hyunjin tried to hold in his laughter; he snorted instead and heard Seungmin quietly mutter something about manners, which made him laugh even more.

If even possible Minho turned even redder and even angrier as he pushed his hand into hyunjin's head and pulled on his hair. Hard.

"Don't laugh at me! Do you know how it feels to know a main character will die soon? There's gonna be like 5 more movies, he's gonna die and i already know it! That's so annoying!"

"Just like your face!" Hyunjin managed to taunt out, resulting in him genuinly about to turn bold. "Ow ow ow let go! You're going to pull my hair out!"

― 05/06/18
happy pansexual pride!!

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