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STATUS; happy

"Hey handsome," a voice said above Chan's studio desk, where he was determinedly producing a new track for a upcoming boy group. "Can I take you out tonight?"

Chan rolled his eyes at the familiar tone that belonged to an oh-so-familiar voice, before he even raised his head. So he scoffed, continuing to fix up his spelling mistakes and unintelligible scribbles.

"Seriously Minho? We've literally been dating for a year."

"And?" The other asked teasingly, peering down at his boyfriend, "That means I can't treat my man to a night out?"

"Hmm, where we off to?" Chan asked, finally putting his pen down and gazing up at the man, his chocolate hair falling forward from where Minho was also leaning in.

"The cinema."

Chan faked a dissatisfied expression, pulling his face away slightly, "No food? A little disappointing."

"Oi, you know how much popcorn costs? Be grateful you get nachos too."

"Oh my," the producer mused, appreciating the childish glint in his partner's eyes, "How classy of you. What do we have on show then?"

"Harry potter." Minho said with a fond smile, those two words holding far more significance to them then it did to most people.

Chan raised his eyebrows dramatically, "No!" He suddenly cried as if he being told the most scandalous news.

"Yes!" Minho replied, a giggle following ensue.

"If I remember right- and do correct me if I'm wrong- but wasn't Harry Potter...oh how did you put it..." Chan said in a fake wonder, rubbing his invisible beard in thought.

Minho was in an absolute bliss, stuck marvelling how the universe had given him such a perfect match of a soulmate.

"Oh right!" He suddenling piped up.

"You said it was 'the very bane of your existence, causing you a great deal of childhood anger and resentment, which in turn ruined your chances of experiencing a proper magical life.'"

"I said that?" Minho asked quietly, face only inches away from Chan's grinning one. There was the slightly tinting of pink on his cheekbones, and Chan didn't know if it was due to embarrassment or their close proximity, but he couldn't bring himself to care.

Making Minho blush, even after a year of dating, always gave the older male butterflies.

"Yup, it was right after I kissed you and we got kicked out last year. You went on a full tangent for about an hour, and then I kissed you again."

Minho face was so close to him, their noses were practically touching.

"Hm no." Minho said softly, "Don't quite remember that happening."

"Let me remind you." Chan said with a grin, connecting their lips immediately. His smile didn't falter, and there wasn't quite a word to describe the feeling of smiling into the kiss with the love of your life. But it was definitely something that the neither of them would ever get bored of.

i return with fluff so fluffy its borderline disgusting!
the next chapter is the last one (D:) and then the epilogue (which is my favourite chapter in this entire book), which are all already written, so you'll get them very soon!! (:D)

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