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CHAN; 22
STATUS; love.

In all honesty, when they got kicked out of the theater Chan shouldn't really be that surprised.

It started off as a normal day, Chan was visiting his cousin on his break from university and decided to take him and his friends out for drinks after the movie. Over the years, Felix had always been Chans favourite person, and whenever he could he'd make sure he looked after his cousin. This in turn lead to getting to know Felix's friends as well.

Well, most of them.

"How many of your friends are coming with us after the movie?" He asked casually into his phone, watching Changbin and Woojin argue about who gets to sit in the passenger seat of Chan's car.

Felix chomped on some popcorn, "Uh- let's see, me, Seungmin, Hyunjin, Jeongin and- maybe Minho?"

Minho, probably the only one of Felix's best friends he hasn't had the chance to meet. "Well, if he can, tell him I'd finally like to meet him."

"Sure, it's so weird dude, you've met everyone but him. Well, get here quick, the movie's going to start in a bit."

Chan winced when he heard Woojin shout something at Changbin, "Yeah, we might be running a little late."

He was right, they were indeed, 17 minutes late for the movie.

And Woojin was pissed.

"This is all because your pointy headass wanted to get nachos and a slushy, why couldn't you have been satisfied with popcorn?!"

In response, Changbin took a long and loud slurp of his blue and red beverage, barely missing Woojins swipe at his head. The older man couldn't help but roll his eyes at his childish friends.

The three of them waddled through the cinema like mums looking for their children in a supermarket, stuck between a sprint and jog, holding their oversized bags of food and drink.

It was this that caused the Australian to miss a hurried man running straight into his chest. Luckily, Chan was only holding his drink and bag of sour patch kids, so with his free hand he gripped onto the strangers shoulders, desperately hoping they didn't fall over and consequently spill his overpriced drinks.

Not to mention Felix will murder him if he drops the sweets he had specifically bought for him.

Eventhough he kept his balance, Chans head swam forward and back, and he was growing unsteady. There it was, the familiar feeling of a boat on hard tides, the smell of salty water filling his already fuzzy thoughts.

The ocean.

The stranger perked up instantly, taking a few steps away from Chan and bolting past him, he missed their face and before he could let out words of apology, someone grabbed him by the hood of his sweatshirt and pulled him back.

"Hurry up Chan!" Changbin shouted, balancing his nachos and drink in one hand, "The movies already started and Felix and his friends are waiting!" He finished off desperately, whether it was because he wanted to see the movie or his soulmate, the man didn't know.

Chan nodded, taking a glance back to the stranger- who was already running towards the bathroom at the end of the corridor.

"Uh yeah-" he stated unsure, turning back to his friends, "Let's...let's go."

As soon as they walked into the dark and packed theater, the scent of the ocean was fading away.

I think I'm going to puke, is what Chan would've said to Woojin, the feeling of being on a rocking boat becoming uncomfortable and nauseating.

However, before he could, he was forcefully grabbed by the collar and yanked to the side, a pain shot through his shoulder at the weird angle.

He was utterly shocked, the tides of the ocean loud and crashing in his ears.

"IT'S YOU!" The stranger shouted in a flurry of anger, and the soul mark on his back burned.

Chan didn't respond, he couldn't. His soulmate was right infront of him, his eyebrows furrowed in anger and the cutest pout on his soft lips. Chan wanted nothing more than to smooth all the annoyed lines on his face, cup his cheeks and cuddle his soulmates soft face in kisses.

So he did.

He leaned forward, ignoring the gobsmacked expression on everyone else in the cinema, and touched his lips against his (still angry) soulmate.

And then, well, then they got kicked out.

But it was so worth it.

this is just a filler chapter in chan's pov!! i love babies, pls they're so cute.

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