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"He did what?"

Minho stopped eating his fish and chips, one of which hopelessly flopping back down onto his plate of bake beans.

Hyunjin smirked and Seungmin contained himself from laughing out loud, both leaning onto eachother for support.

"He told me that she told him that her sister saw them two with her boyfriends brother and his roommate making out in Starbucks."

Minho stared confusedly at the boy, "Felix, that makes no sense."

The freckled teenager just sighed dramatically and waved him off, too lazy to explain the newest gossip again.

Seungmin was still giggling as he played with the hem of his best friends jacket, Minho watching both Seungmin and Hyunjin- slightly jealous.

It must be nice to be close to your soulmate.

Which reminded him.

"The new Harry potter movie finally came out, which one of you is going tonight." He asked, venom dripping from his voice.

Hyunjin sighed and pulled his jacket away from Seungmin and got up to put the paper plates in the bin, "we were actually thinking of going together. Felix's cousin was going to take us since he knew Felix would like it."

Minho just scoffed, "you guys can go- I however will not."

"You know it's not really a big deal," Felix mentioned tiredly, "just because you know what happens to one character doesn't mean you can't watch what happens to the other characters?"

Minho stared down at his bake beans solemnly.

Hyunjin and Seungmin looked worriedly between the two, particularly waiting for Minho to burst.

Instead however Minho looked up and shot a (fake) smile at his friend, who was startled to say the least.

"So Felix- how's your weekend been?"

The three boys looked at eachother with caution, all knowing well enough that Minho and soulmate was a taboo of a subject for very petty reaons.

"Uh it's been...great? My cousin- Chan- visited us and he's super cool so it was fun. You should meet him, he's only a year older but he's like super smart. He skipped a grade so he's finished with school and he's now in college! That's like- really fucking cool! Plus he- SEUNGMIN THAT IS MY CHOCOLATE MUFFIN!"

Felix suddenly dived from his side of the table to the other to grab the last chocolate muffin before Seungmin ate it, and Hyunjin smiled sheepishly at their fellow classmates who watched in concern.

Minho however seemed to be on the verge to throw up.

All around him it smelt like...the ocean? The salty water and damp sand seemed to engulf him and he could feel a cool but warm breeze sweep past his face.

But last time he checked, he was peacefully eating his bake beans in his school's crowded canteen.

However the smell and even the loud crashing of waves felt so real.

Minho had read about this before, how teenagers who hadn't met their soulmate yet would experience their first soulmate meeting very briefly.

And if this was just a brief look at what it would feel like, imagine what would happen if he did actually meet them!

All the anger and distaste (for spoiling the best made franchise to ever exist- Minho's opinion) towards his mystery soulmate evaporated, and all that was left was pure bliss and a wholesome desperation.

Minho then also remembered reading that these short soulmate episodes only ever really occurred if something to do with their soulmate appeared.

Minho remembered smelling the salty water when he first shook Felix's hand when he first joined their class, then when he got his hair dyed- but nothing was as strong as what he had felt when Felix started talking.

Minho suddenly got up from his seat and frantically looked around the canteen, maybe his soulmate walked in? Maybe someone was talking about them? Maybe someone was eating their favourite food?

Felix looked up at his friend with curiosity, "so should I tell Chan you're coming with us then? He's buying popcorn."

Whatever it may have been, the amazing feeling of the ocean and the warmth that he felt cover his chest disappeared in an instant, when he replied to Felix's question.

"You guys go without me, tell him I said hi, and sorry."

i always imagined everyones soulmate meeting to be different! some feel like they're at the beach, others like a firework display, an airplane journey, a hike in a forests.

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