Chapter 2

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        I open my strained eyes. I am in a room made of glass wallks. They must have knocked me out with pain killers or something. He drugged me somehow, and I feel completely numb. I can't even feel myself blink. Suddenly, I hear a cough, and I take a reality check by looking around my surroundings. I realize I am sitting upon a pole. It's wooden, and I know I start getting my feeling back because I feel it poking into my back. I look down and see myself wearing a long red sleeping gown. What is going on? I finally got arround to look around fully, but he drugs are still messing with me.

        One man with a pale white head of hair and a white rose attatched to his deathly black suit stands up and pulls ina television. He then speaks:

        "Gentlemen, I am sorry to say that this here young lady has commited a crime that has alarmed me and the citizens of Panem. Therefore, we have taken away her right to speak because this crime needed a punishment that the criminal would always remember so she would not ever do it again."

        I then begin to shake. Snow has done this to me. No, who am I kidding? I did this to myself. 

        He then turns on the televison, and I suddenly see myself near the rive rin the woods catching fish with my dirty hands. I put them in my basket to birng home to my mother and two brothers. Oh how I miss their innocent faces, and my mother's pale white face. They are probably looking for me now...sadly they will never find me:

        After I pick up my basket, I take my normal clothes off, and put my dirty lingerie I found in an old dumpster. Then walk to my usual corner. I see myself spot the peacekeepers and start running towards the woods, but failing because they catch me and arrest me. That is when Snow turns off the televison and stares at me. I was only doing it to feed my family. We needed the money, and I didn'y even know tracked down the ghettos of District 4.

        "You see Miss Odair, prostitution is ILLEGAL in Panem," Snow says with a strained tone, and then walks out. A peacekeeper from my right comes up to me and spits in my face. He then shoves a needle into the side of my neck, The lights turn out.

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