Chapter 4

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        The lood, the pain, the tears. The strange man was right. It was making me feel better. Sadly, this is the only way I can deal with this situation. I hid the blades under my "bed" as peacekeepers walked by. All I did was sleep.

        I wake up in my cell, hearing little snickering. The two peacekeepers that were taunting me about my crime were sitting infront of my cell door. I get up and walk towards them, and sit on the floor, staring at them. 

        The peacekeeper on the righ says,  "Cat got your tongue?"

The other one on the right just starts meowing. Those bastards. But just like yesterday, they see something and suddenly run off. I look down the hall but I see nothing. I walk back to my stone bed, and as soon as I sit down, a woman with long, straight black hair unlocks my cell and motions her hand telling me to come with her. I obviously obey.

         I hear so many moans and cries of avoxes coing from he ocean of cells I walk thorugh, feeling like Moses. At the end of the hallway, the woman takes my arm and opens the door. She then throws me through the door and all I can see is sun. It starts to burn and sting my eyes. However, I soon start to get used to it. I really have missed the sun. The beautiful colors it shines with. I never thought I would ever see it again. I then hear a rough scratchy voice yell my name.

        "Florence! Florence!" 

I turn around to see an overweight, middle aged man wih a large cigar in his left hand. He's sitting on a bench outside of the building I was thrown and locked into. I walk up to him and nod as if I were saying "Yes?" He pats my hand down onto thebench and says,

        "Sit my sweet jewel." 

I look at him kind of funny. No one has ever called me sweet, let alone JEWEL. All I have heard is weak. But I sit. He takes his cigar and takes a smoke. Then blows it in my face. I begin to cough. 

        "Oh, my bad sweetie. I didn't mean  to make you cough." He then looks down at my bloody wrists. "Oh, no no no. Self harming yourslf. Why love? It's not like anybody's gonna go on and pity ya. You're worthless. Excoet if you can go through the examination....and that is why I am here. You're what? 24? Good age. Pretty. No, beautiful. So that's a plus. Can you cook and clean? Serve I suppose?"

I shake my head yes. That's all I woud do back home. Take care of my frail mother and my two younger brothers, Finnick and Fancile. My mother had a thing for F names, which was odd. Florence, Finnick, and Fancile. I loved her for it. 

        "Well, good." He then looks at me up and down, and smirks, and his smirk is just death defying. He's as evil a Snow. I can just feel it.  I look closely and see a name tag on his pue green suit. It says Maything Clathile. What a strange name for anold man. The name doesn't sound familiar. But then he holds out his hand and says,

        "I, sweet jewel, am Maything Clathile, and I am here to help you."  I shake his hand, but I leave an emotionless stare on my face. Suddenly he takes my face with his cigar-free hand and squishes it, crushing my jaw. "I am here to help you get out of this  hell hole you sadly call home." 

Thank God.


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