Chapter 3

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        Why do they keep drugging me? It's not like I'm going to try to break free. I know they'd kill me in an instant if I tried. I am assigned a cell, which is the same number, 542. The same number on the jar where my dearly beloved tongue is still in. I suddenly see two peacekeeps walk in unison pass by my gray-slaughter house like cell door. Then they slowly walk back and I hear one of them whisper, "So that's the Avox-prostitute eh?"

They just stare at me, looking me up and down. I thought I was suppose to be isolated from the world in this jail cell.

The other peacekeeper responds:

"Yeah, think she'd do this for free? She's beautiful. What choice does she have any---," they both stop talking and are startled. They walk away. 

        They. They wanted to--NO! I didn't like doing if for money at all. I am so ashamed because of what I had to do. I start to cry and ram myself into the stone hard walls over and over again. I stop, I cannot lose anymore blood than I already have. I am a prisoner--- I can't become a sex slave. I am my own person. I never wanted any of this to happen. I just needed to get money for food for my family. Yes, I lived in District 4 not 12 or 11. But I lived in a poorer part of that District. The Capital didn't do anything for anyone is my hometown. There were barely any jobs, and this seemed to be my only solution to stay alive. 

        What if they hurt my family? There are so many questiosn that I can't ask because they took my ability to speak away. I just...need to scream. I walk slowly to the barsof my cell door and start screaming (well attempting). I shake the bars and bang my head against them. I don not want to live like this. I can not live like this. As I keep trying to scream bloody murder and try to give myself a concussion, a tall lanky man comes to my cell. He grabs my hands and pulls my head toward his eyes. 

"This will make you feel better," he says. He hands me razors blades. I wonder what I'm suppose to do with them as he walks away. An Avox across from my cell lifts her wrists and I see bloody scars. She used...razor blades. She did that to her self. I gave her a questioned look, and she started slitting her wrists. I walk away to my bed, a stiff board made of stone, and sit. What else do I have to lose?

I close my eyes and it feels like a dark paradise.

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