Chapter 5

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        The examination pricess? What does he mean? Like as in body? A physical what? But sadly I couldn't ask, so I just looked puzzled. This isn't gym class. I am not trying out for a stupid sport. I am in a prison. I am a prisoner, just let me rot in this cell.

        "Sweetie, you know about The Hunger Games. You live in Panem for heavem's sake. Do you want to get out of this jail cell? Yes, this hell hole?" he said. His nose began to twitch. I nod my head yes. I want to get out, and I want to be free. But, sadly, my life will never be free again. "Hun, you're an Avox. The capital uses the uses the best ones to serve the tributes while they're in the capital. But to do this, to get out of here, you mus pass an examination. You must geta very high score to be able to live and serve in the capital.  There are only 4 more slots left." 

My eyes grow wide, and I start to smile really big. I mouth the word 'how', trying to give him something to work with. 

        "How do you pass?" he asks to make sure that's what I meant. I nod yes. "That's why I'm here. Come here, next to me." I get up and sit right next  to him, looking into the man's eyes. "I will help you with everything, just stick to me kid. I promise I will set you free. Even though it's to serve the tributes, it's better than getting harrassed by peacekeepers, right?" He's the one scaring off the peacekeepers. "I will get you from your cell tomorrow morning, and please stop this." He picks up my wrists and puts some kind of cream on my bloody wounds. It starts to sting but then it starts to cool down. He puts the container of medicine in my palm and closes my hand. I look up and smile, and I hug him before I put the container in my pocket.

        A peacekeeper opens the door from the inside and tells me that it is time for me to go back inside and pulls me by my wrists, which is whipes off the soothing cream,stinging my wrists, making me scream.

        "Hey! Be careful with here! She's Capitol material," Maything shouts, but the peacekeeper doesn't listen.

        I look up at the man, and I notice that he is one of the peacekeepers that has been harassing me. He starts to laugh and as we get inside the building he throws me up against the wall and starts kicking me. I fall down. He drags me on the cold tiled floor, and I begin to cry. This isn't the way to my cell. Is he going to kill me? What is happening? 

        The peacekeeper picks me up and throws me onto an old mattress, and says,

        "I'm a government worker, shouldn't I get a free-be?" he says as he pushes me down an tears off the black t-shirt of the Avox unoform we all wear. I kick him in the chest, but he is much stronger than me and gets on top of my legs while pinning me down by my wrists. They are burning like crazy. He obviously had previously undid his uniform, because just slides right out of it, and all I see him wearing is a white tshirt. Nothing else.

        I'm scared. Why...I thought everything was ging to be okay now? He rips my black Avox uniform pants off my pale, slim body and starts pushing me around making me bruise. He grabs my face and thrusts into me making me scream. It hurts so much. I can feel the blood rushing out of me. He does it again. I am trying to break free but I can't. I am trapped. Why can't it be tomorrow, I need Maything's protection. 

        The peacekeeper scratches my fair skin and I scream again even louder, and I just stop trying. I want to be done here. Forever. He punches me in the jaw, but I still don't move. I think I'm just dead, just dead. He finally gets off me.


        "Well, this isn't fun anymore. You're not struggling," he says sarcastically with a smirk. "Go back to your shitty cell!" he screams.

I guess he trusts me enugh to not have to escort me, or maybe he doesn't want his manhood hanging out infront of everyone. Plus, there are millions of cameras around the Avox cells. I take what's left of my uniform and put it on. Then I walk back to my prison. There is a peacekeeper infront of my cell to let me in and to lock me in. I  fall to the floor as he leaves, and I begin to cry. I never want to o through this again. 

I will pass the examination.

I will leave this place.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2014 ⏰

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