His Plain Obsession|08

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I smiled at the text messages, I meant every word. I knew some would frown on the relationship I was pursuing because of the rumours attached to the man but I knew deep down inside my chest that there was something more there.

My father was a very jumpy man, my mother used to tell me something bad had happened to him when he was younger. I remember one time my dad got so upset because I snuck out one night, he was crying and actually hit me and then he wouldn't speak to me when I asked my mother she told me why he acted like that.

"Sweetheart I know your dad appears free-spirited, he always smiles and always jokes and we travel a lot but your dad wasn't always like that." My mother spoke softly to my 15-year-old weeping figure.

"Why did dad hit me, mom?" I asked, I saw her flinch as she felt broken inside.

"When your father was very young he snuck out, he thought he was doing the best thing in the world but his younger brother Brice decided to follow him and he was no older than 10 while your dad was about 14." My mother told me, I held her hand as she shook.

"What happened, mom?" I asked her, I watched tears form in her eyes.

"Your dad didn't know Brice had followed him to the bad part of town, your dad just wanted to have fun but some bad men pulled some guns and Brice stepped in yelling 'don't hurt my big brother!' and he got shot." My mom told me, I gasped. I could see my dad standing in the doorway.

"He got shot in his chest 5 centimetres from his heart, I watched him bleed out in my arms terrified of what he was feeling and I couldn't help him and the ambulance didn't make it." My father said he was shaking.

"Your little brother died dad?" I asked, he nodded as he sat beside me.

"My father came to the hospital to find me covered in my brother's blood and him dead, he was so angry at me for sneaking out and for setting a bad example." My father said, his eyes shined with pain.

"Is that why you're mad at me dad?" I asked him, he shook his head.

"I was more scared than mad, I don't care how much you want to do something Layla please tell us where you are going and never lie because if I didn't sneak out that night my little brother would still be alive." He told me, I really didn't understand what he meant.

I didn't have siblings but he held me so tightly, I realized as I got older if something would've happened to me that night he would've blamed himself like he did when his brother died. In my father's eyes, he was meant to protect his brother and he failed, and at the time I was another person to protect he could've lost because he didn't know where I was.

His Plain Obsession| 18+Where stories live. Discover now