"Hey, Sagesight!" Jayfeather called as he padded out of the warriors den. His blind blue eyes sparkled as he appeared in the sunlight, his tabby pelt shining.
"Oh, hey." The pale tom murmured, dipping his head to the medicine cat. Even though he sounded polite, his chest felt like it was about to scream. It was a treacherous, yet wonderful feelings.
To Sagesight, it was beautiful how these emotions and feelings could contradict eachother. It was gorgeous how they came paw-in-paw as two opposites.
Shaking this thought off, Sagesight gazed back up at the medicine cat. "Was there anything you needed?"
Jayfeather cleared his throat before nodding, settling down on his haunches in the dirt. He cast his blind gaze to the pale gray tom.
"Yes, actually. I was wondering if you would help me? In the medicine cat den, I mean." Jayfeather spoke softly, his voice as soft as honey. Sagesight had to hold back a shudder, his breath hitching in his throat.
"Sure." Sagesight replied softly, nodding. "I don't mind at all."
"Thanks!" The blind medicine cat praised, turning around before stalking into the medicine cat den. His tail accidently flicked along the side of Sagesight's muzzle, making the tom's fur heat up. After regaining himself from this, he rose up and stalked after the medicine cat.
Soon, they both settled down in the medicine den, sitting side by side next to eachother. Sagesight cast a glance at Jayfeather, catching a glimpse of the beautiful tom. When the blind medicine cat noticed this, he turned his head into the direction of the warrior, only to see that he had turned his head away.
"I need to clear out my stock," Jayfeather explained softly, his blind gaze sliding over the leaves and stems that were set out infront of him. "Can you clear out the crumbled leaves? I don't need them anymore, and they wouldn't have any effect anyways."
Without even responding, the pale gray tom grabbed a pawful of leaves from the large stack Jayfeather had set out.
He set them down infront of himself, reaching in before hooking his claw into a brown, wilting leaf. It made him sad to think. The leaf was beauty; pure beauty, but no one else would ever understand that.
He sighed out softly, hooking his claw tighter into the leaf before dropping it on to the floor of the den. He gazed back up at the pile, clawing out the brown, wilted leaves before setting them down on the den floor. The fresh, green leaves, he shifted them to the side delicately with his paw, making sure not to hurt the leaves.
Without even looking, Sagesight reached to grab more leaves from the pile that Jayfeather had set out. Then, suddenly, his paw grazed another cats paw.
His eyes widened slightly as he cast his gaze to the side. Jayfeather was there, his blind eyes sparkling before he slid his paw out from underneath Sagesight's, his pelt heating up.
Stepping back slightly, the tabby gray medicine cat purred, sliding his tail down Sagesight's spine. "Want to go into the forest for a walk?"
Shuddering from the interaction, the warrior looked at the blind cat before tilting his head. "Don't you want to sort through these first?"
"We can finish them later." Jayfeather called out over his shoulder, not even waiting for a reply before he walked out.
The warrior blinked several times before racing after the medicine cat, who had been at the entrance by the time he had reached him.
Walking side by side, Jayfeather and Sagesight walked through the forest, their tails brushing eachothers every now and then.
"Jayfeather?" Sagesight whispered softly once they had drived farther into the forest. Pausing from his padding, the medicine cat cast his blind gaze to the warrior before tilting his head and settling down.
"What is it, Sagesight?" The tom purred softly, his tone full of affection.
Shifting uncomfortably, the pale gray tom felt like a stone was caught in his chest, until, suddenly, it all exploded.
"Would you give up your medicine cat status for a mate?"
There was an uncomfortable pause between them. Sagesight shifted around, casting his gaze on to Jayfeather before he took in a deep breath and sighed. "Yes, honestly. If it was a cat that I really loved."
There was another pause between them. Except this one was comfortable, and soft. "Like who?"
Blinking, Jayfeather stepped forward, his blind eyes gleaming before he leaned forward, touching his nose-tip to that of Sagesight's.