1. Mario shirt! ~ Yesterday, I went shopping! While there, I got a few news shirts, but most importantly my Mario Kart shirt! Check it out!
2. Black hair! ~ Recently, I dyed my hair back to the color I had it at over the Summer; black! Mind you, Mynatural color isn't black, Andneither is it brown. If you've seen recent pictures of me, my hair appears brown, butthat'sonlybecause the chlorine from my pool had lightened it!
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3. Vacation! ~ I'mgoing out of town to be with my grandma! We're going to a neighboring state, and to a very small country town. I'll have to get some pictures ofthe lake next to us and the backyard. There's cows!
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4. Dumb Wattpad! ~ Wattpad is acting up again! If you need to reach me, I won'tsee it unless I scrollthrough the app, since it isn'tsendingme notifications. I'll make sure to check though! If you need to reach me, I have an email you can message!
5. The Tiger! (Feat. The_Rake_Creature) ~ Recently, Ice and I have been getting into The Tiger! We've been playing it pretty frequently, and we've gotten to play together on some servers! It's definitely a fun experience! Thank you, Ice, for playing The Tiger with me!