Chapter Three.

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Birds were chirping, leaves were rustling, knives and plates cluttering. The incessant resonate woke me from slumber. I yawned like a newly born child.
The excitement of my valedictory service overwhelmed my soul.
I smiled sheepishly at myself when I gazed in the mirror.

So, finally I'd be leaving college. All the stress that seemed endless is apparently over.

I was filled with enthusiasm, it was obvious.

          "Chicken waffles,
            Bacon, egg and cheese,
            Fries and Pork,
           Cheeseburger and churros"

"Again, Chicken waffles,
             Bacon, egg and cheese,
            Fries and Pork,
          Cheeseburger and churros"

Rosslyn said for the second time. Reciting the menu was one of Rosslyn's idiosyncrasies.

"Congrats, Damian". Rosslyn said to me.
"Thank you, Rosie". I replied.

"Hey. Hey. Off to the dinning everyone" dad said.

Straight up we went to the dinning, I enjoyed the meal. Rosslyn is a talented cook. She's so pretty.
She's been working with us ever since she finished her college. She's such a strong lady. An independent feminist.

After the meal, I refreshed myself, displaying some luminance.

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