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Samantha rested her head on her desk, her face was hot and red, her cheeks had turned scarlet, her heart was ruptured. Her ruptured heart leaped as the door cracked.
"What does he want from me?" She mumbled to herself.
Tears flowed out of her eyes as she spoke.
"Is that what you wanna show me?" She low-key yelled.
"Calm down, baby girl." A calm voice captivated her attention. The tone of the voice was mixed with love and cruelty.
Samantha rose her head to see, she was puzzled to see Cassie standing right before her, her heart trembled.
"I always have an omen if something bad is gonna happen, why didn't I today?" Samantha thought to herself.

Her voice trembled as she spoke.
" What do you want please?"
Cassie scoffed as she replied, "why are you hurt? Are you Damian's Mistress?"
"No. I.... I.... I'm.... I...... I'm...not." Her words broke as tears gushed out of her eyes.
Cassie gave her a fierce stare as she spoke, "so, why then are you on tears?"
"Something confidential." Samantha assembled courage as she spoke.
" It better should be." Cassie hissed through her teeth as she moved so close to Samantha," if I get to know you're Damian's Mistress, I'll rip off your skin with my teeth, I promise you." She spoke fiercely as she slammed the door.

She walked to th you exit way like a bitch who just accomplished her mission.
Damian grabbed her hand before she could go out.
"What took you to Samantha's office?"
"Oh. Her name is Samantha. Whoa."
Her hand was still held tightly.
" You haven't answered my question." Damian yelled.
"Do away with Samanthas they're bad asses." She forcefully pulled out her hand and walked out swiftly.

Honestly, Cassie is a bitch. I gritted my teeth as I walked through the stairway to Samantha's office.
I cracked the door, I calmly walked down to where she was seated. She was on call and hooked up with some foreign business contracts. I got a contract from Mr Jeremy.
Ever since I came back from the seminar, the office has been hooked up with a lot of activities. I want a merge with Mr Jeremy's company. So, everyone's been busy.

Samantha didn't notice I was standing at the entrance of her office, her face was brightened already. Don't cause her another pain, just leave. My daimon spoke to me.

Hey buddies, how do you like this chapter? Drop suggestions and also do not forget to vote, comment and share too.

Yay, good news ✨🌹
I'll be taking questions on my book, drop your questions concerning this book and I promise to truthfully answer everyone.

Cheers 💎💥

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